Monday, August 12, 2024

Gene Editing and Radical Life Extension

Wat we have so far is a lot of long overdue science, but no one showing a reduction of cellular aging, let alone a real reversal.

What cis obvious, is that we can meddle biologically and this can surely help, but not necessarily a whole lot.  Can we even stabilize the aging process itself.  The only model to hand is that we progressively beat ourselves up and find it harder and harder to perform our palette of daily tasks.  importantly energy declines along with physical recovery.

Fix this and we can talk about life extension.

The only real solution to this problem will mean tapping our INNER SUN to flood all our cells with a full on revitalized internal processor with ample energy and power to restore ourselves to our prime.  We are not even close to doing this.  And recall Yesua had assistance from the other side.

Gene Editing and Radical Life Extension

August 7, 2024 by Brian Wang

George Church spoke at Aubrey de Grey’s conference to discuss using gene editing to provide radical life extension.

George is hopeful that gene editing can be used to realize longevity escape velocity. Longevity escape velocity is where we add one year of life extension to people life in less than one year. If Longevity escape velocity is sustained then people lives would be extended until accidents or random extreme situations caused death.

George;s approach is to maximally engineer the solution. He wants to make it easy to perform 20,000 or more gene edits as a common and cheap treatment for all humans. He does not want to do just enough to extend life. Fixing one aging pathway could extend lives about two years but fixing all aging pathways at the same time could add many decades or centuries to human lives. They have a data base of the genes of over 4000 animals. They are looking at the bow head whale which lives for 200 years. They want to add any of the genes that appear to help the bow head whale live longer lives to see if in combination they would be very helpful to human lifespan.

There are several papers which show the progress in multiple and combination gene edits.

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