Saturday, August 24, 2024

Chilly In August?

This is totally taking me by surprise.  A massive ongoing snow dump in Greenland that should not be happening.  Then we had cool weather at my favorite lodge over on the island.  It is all over cooling down in the Northern Hemisphere.

We should still be fine, but this should finally slam the North West Passage shut and maybe for years.+  nice while it lasted..

This also raises the risk of crop failure and general damage as well.

My point is that this is significant and we hoped countered by good weather as well.

Chilly In August?

Dr. Sircus

Aug 21

The European weather model forecasts near-record cold air over Northern California this week, with temperatures at 5,000 feet expected to crash below 40F—some 20F below normal. Summer snow is in the forecast. And swaths of the Eastern U.S. continue to endure August lows not seen in decades.

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, the Greenland ice sheet posted a remarkable ≈3 Gigaton July gain. Data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) show this to be one of the highest daily summer additions since records began in 1981. This figure is only bested by the ≈4 Gigaton set at the beginning of the month on July 1, 2024.

It is summer in Greenland, and the white stuff should be melting, right, especially if it’s the warmest year ever? There is an incredible “reality gap” between what the Government and the mainstream media say about climate and direct observations of conditions on the ground.

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