Thursday, August 15, 2024

Agincourt rethink

This item is twenty years but the triumphant tale is several hundreds years in the making.  As usual it all turns out to be too good to be true.

This item puts the archeology together and it is different.  Yes, they fired off flights of arrows but then spent the next two hours killing armored knights afoot who were hopelessly mired in sticky mud.

the battle field was a perfect funnel for a crowd event and the wet soil make horrible sticky mud.  After that you were stuck like a fly on fly paper just waiting for an archer to walk up and kill you.
The armor of the time had also shifted to steel which made the arrows far less effective although their use continued.

How The Longbow Defeated The French At Agincourt


29 Feb 2024

Henry V's English victory over the French was made famous by Shakespeare. The English were heavily outnumbered, battle-weary, retreating and, according to contemporary chronicles, suffering from dysentery. Yet they still beat the French. How could this have happened? Was it simply the power of the English longbow?

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