Thursday, July 18, 2024

: In The Line of Fire

This was no accident and the man in charge of the secret service detailed to secure the site is guilty of attempted murder.  their patsy failed and it is not that easy either.  even snipers do get unlucky and that is exactly what happened.

No excuses an be sold here at all.  operationally it all looks like the perps made the best of obvious bad choices.  only one rooftop in sight here.  likely hundreds of witnesses saw the gunman as a gunman even.

yet he was allowed a clean shot while in the sights of security.  what?  and then he was shot dead?  just what was your job?

MOGUL: In The Line of Fire

The U.S. Secret Service had only one job —and they failed abysmally!

JUL 16

For a time such as this

Just like all of you, we too, were still in shock, in the 24 to 48 hours after the attempted assassination of President Donald J. Trump, by the dark forces of evil.

We came so very close, to losing a great and mighty man. —But he was spared,“for a time such as this”.

MOGUL: In The Line of Fire.

President Trump was not saved by the ‘brilliance’ of the U.S. Secret Service and their agents on the ground that day. He was not saved by the agile, quick-thinking, “athletically built”, DEI hire, who hid like a coward behind the stage.

No. —He was not.

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A Miracle saved President Trump. “Divine intervention?” —we believe so! In a Truth Social post, sent at 7:36amET, on July 14, 2024, President Trump said, “…that it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening”.

That ever so slight tilt of his head, at THAT precise moment, altered the course of history forever. The projectile, only lightly grazing his ear, —a “buzz”, a gentle whisper— almost like the ‘still small voice’ heard by Elijah after his victory over the prophets of Baal, almost 3,000 years ago.

A tsunami of confusion, panic and fear sweeps throughout the crowd, and in those terrifying moments immediately after the protective detail rushed the stage, President Trump emerged, defiant as ever, bloodied, but ALIVE!

In the hours that followed, photographers on the ground started to release imagery. This now iconic photograph of President Trump, laying on that stage, face down with his palms open, as if, in ‘surrender’, to his Heavenly Saviour —the REAL “Big Guy”—will be forever seared into the deep recesses of my memories, until my dying day.

My very first thought when seeing this powerful image, was:

“That is a man in prayer!”

BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Secret Service tend to Republican presidential candidate, President Donald J. Trump onstage after he was grazed by a bullet at a rally on July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

As President Trump lay there, covered by a protective blanket of men and women, sworn to protect him with their lives, and with time seemingly at a standstill, I can imagine that ‘still small voice’, whispering to him:

“I gave my life for you my son, I bled and died on the cross for you. Now arise, renewed and let the world see, that you too, bled for humanity. I have spared your life today, for a time such as this.”

BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - July 13: Secret Service agents cover President Donald J. Trump during a campaign rally at Butler Farm Show Inc. on Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pa. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

In a moment like that, you come to the extreme realization, as to the frailty of human life. —YOUR life! If that doesn’t radically change, and super-charge you, nothing will!

Can you imagine, just for a minute, what must’ve been going through President Trump’s thoughts, in those near-fatal seconds, and immediately afterward?

He certainly would have wanted to let the people know, that he was ok. “Peacefully and Patriotically”, remember? Always, the peacemaker.

US Republican candidate President Donald J. Trump is seen with blood on his face surrounded by U.S. Secret Service agents as he is taken off the stage at a campaign event at Butler Farm Show Inc. in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024. (Photo by Rebecca DROKE / AFP)

(Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

President Trump chose his words wisely before he was rushed off the stage.


Were these words uttered, in absolute defiance, not knowing if they could be his last? Or were they spoken with the conviction of a man totally and radically renewed? A man with a mission yet unfulfilled, and perhaps, unbeknown to the world just yet, the possibility of the emergence of a NEW ‘esprit de corp’. —One that’s right now, taking seed and is set to grow within his circle of family and confidants, into something truly great.

I like to call this, “AGENDA 47, 2.0”

BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - July 13: President Donald Trump raises his arm with blood on his face during a campaign rally at Butler Farm Show Inc. on Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pa. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Sidenote: I wonder, if near-death accounts, of time dilation (slowdown) and instant life recall (“my life flashed before my eyes”) aren’t descriptions of an experiential space-time collapse as the consciousness / soul perceives end of life?

We mentioned “radically”, earlier. This is the context. Most of us by now, have this video below. It’s gone viral almost 4 months after it was initially posted. In the video, Brandon Biggs spoke about a vision he had from God, where he predicted the assassination attempt on President Trump, EXACTLY the way it happened. —and, in incredible detail!

This is why we believe, President Trump went through an extreme spiritual experience, in that fleeting moment, face down on the stage. A very personal ‘Great Awakening’.

Two days after President Trump’s “near-death experience”, Dan Scavino said this, via X:

“After the assassination attempt, and everything he went through in the hours thereafter, he lifted the morale and spirits of everyone around him at the hospital, and on the plane ride back to New Jersey. He wanted to make sure his team was ok—a LEADER throughout it all. Truly remarkable, there is literally nobody like him… and there never will be again.”

The U.S. Secret Service

Let’s take a look at the current situation at the United States Secret Service. In a recent CBS video interview, Director, Kimberly Cheatle said:

“But I'm very conscious, as I sit in this chair now, of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates, and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunites to everybody, in our workforce. —in particulary, women.”

And we all know how that turned out!

Take a look at these images below. Does this look like ‘courage under fire’ to you? Or does this in fact, appear to be ‘cowardice under fire’?

This “trait”, has seeped into the very core, of the U.S.S.S. as a result of strict and deliberate DEI hires by U.S.S.S. Director Kimberly Cheatle. —who now refuses to resign.

An unnamed U.S. Secret Service Agent cowers behind the stage during the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump, on July 13, 2024. (moments later, she was seen having difficulty holstering her firearm)

We always knew that an attempt would be made on President Trump’s life, but for them to have had it planned, to be broadcast LIVE and in HD, and in real-time, just makes us furious!

That fury and anger, has awoken a sense of ‘Ultra Patriotism’, and an undying pledge to do everything we can, to help President Trump “Make America Great Again”! —not that those sentiments weren’t there before, they’ve always been there, they’ve just been heightened and multiplied a thousandfold by the events of July 13.

In a recent story by Byron York (Washington Examiner), President Trump was quoted as saying:

“The most incredible thing was that I happened to not only turn but to turn at the exact right time and in just the right amount..”

“If I only half-turn, it hits the back of the brain. The other way goes right through [the skull]. And because the sign was high, I’m looking up. The chances of my making a perfect turn are probably one tenth of one percent, so I’m not supposed to be here”

“I had to be at the exact right angle,” Trump said at another point in the conversation, which included the New York Post’s Michael Goodwin. “Because the thing was an eighth of an inch away. That I would turn exactly at that second, where he [the gunman] wouldn’t stop the shot is pretty amazing. Pretty amazing. I’m really not supposed to be here.”

A graphic showing just how close we all came to an entirely different timeline.

No doubt, there’ll be many write-ups over the coming weeks and months, as to what happened, and who planned this assassination attempt. But today, we’re going to be going over the USSS security protocols leading up to an event. —from the media’s perspective.

When the White House plans an event for POTUS or VPOTUS, which pre-credential media will attend, an email is sent out to a small group list, held by the WHCA (White House Correspondent's Association) and the White House Press Office. The media is then invited to request ‘credentials’ for that event.

Planning Purposes Only email to pre-selected media, with an invitation to apply for credentials. (White House 45, 2020)

Take this example, for a recent Biden Easter Egg Roll at the White House. An email is sent to an already screened and vetted media list, who are invited to apply for credentials to the event.

Once you’re approved and “credentialled”, you’re sent further details and instructions. This particular event would have had more media present than usual, as the space allowed for it.

For smaller events and media sightings of POTUS / VPOTUS, the number of attending media can be set significantly smaller.

The security is of course ironclad, as you would expect, with “airport-like security upon arrival”.

An example of an AF1 departure media invite, as sent from the White House Press Office to a select pre-screened / security-vetted media list.

Examples of email confirmations, for previously requested media events involving POTUS: “**CREDENTIAL APPROVED**”.

Regardless of the event type, whether it’s at the White House, Andrews AFB, or in a foreign country. The security protocols run by the U.S.S.S. have been designed to withstand ALL manner of threats.

What to expect on the day at a secure event:

Media pre-set. 1 hour: All equipment including Sattelite trucks to be onsite by a given time.

Press Parking is ONLY in a pre-designated area.

All large bags and equipment are to be set, and ready for use by the allocated time. The U.S.S.S. will sweep. NO exceptions.

Photo I.D. and Media Credentials must match what’s on file. (and yes, they already know everything there is to know about you)

In hour 2, after the media has LEFT the area, the U.S.S.S. conducts a thorough security sweep. (No media allowed on site)

After the Security Sweep, the media is allowed back on site.

MEDIA RE-ENTRY is through a designated area, where official credentials are issued.

NO LATE ENTRIES. —if you’re late, call it a day, and go home.

If you’re on site for an AF1 arrival, you stay put, until AFTER the motorcade has left. NO EXCEPTIONS

For overseas travel, the process is longer, and the security concerns now cover multiple countries. You’re also dealing with STATE and other agencies and offices.

To say that the U.S.S.S is at fault is a huge understatement!

Without going into what we all, already know (the assassination was pre-planned and was not “a lone gunman”) we can say with confidence, that from a security standpoint, the U.S. Secret Service does not “fuck things up” unless they “want” to.

Take that how you like. There are threads on X that delve into all the theories. This one here by 459 Crimes is a great place to start.

We will update this with a Part II over the coming week

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