Saturday, July 27, 2024

Groasis Update

This looks like real traction folks.  Understand that these holders need to be watered exactly once and nature does the rest.  China plans to plant billions of trees and every one will need watering unless they switch to this tech.

This is true everywhere.  In Vancouver, we are installing water bags for street trees.  understand that street trees are a thing here.  We think everyone ese is crazy not to do this.

Even here we still have to plant them and a Groais water box is actually called for.  We obviously do not lack rainfall but initial planting is always risky.

every house in LA needs this both on the streets and in their back yard.  Shade alone will be a revolution in LA or Phoenix.

Understand that a chosen tree uses this system to become deeply established where the moisture happens to be.

Groasis newsletter - July 2024

There’s been a lot of progress!

Dear Friend of Groasis,

It's been a while since we sent out a newsletter, but that doesn't mean we've been sitting still. There are many developments, which means we are looking forward to the second half of this year.

World Economic Forum award and visit

In January 2024, World Economic Forum/UpLink crowned Groasis as a Top Innovator, given the opportunity our technology creates to plant a trillion trees on degraded land, without irrigation. Wout Hoff visited the WEF 'Summer Davos' in Dalian, China (the Annual Meeting of New Champions) in June. He had meetings with various parties there and learned, among other things, that the Chinese government plants billions of trees every year - and irrigates a large part of these planted trees for up to 3 years. This offers a great opportunity for our Growboxx® and we look forward to the follow-up discussions.

Great Green Wall Day - July 11, 2024

The Nigerian National Agency for the Great Green Wall planted 1,200 Waterboxxes in Kano and Bauchi state on July 11, 2024, under the watchful eye of Wout Hoff. NAGGW aims to halt desertification caused by the expansion of the Sahel, and reforest 100 million hectares of degraded land in northern Nigeria. The Agency plans to use hundreds of thousands of Waterboxxes® to plant woodlots, shelterbelts, and orchards, and give local communities the tools to grow food and create shade around schools and hospitals.

Green Musketeer documentary

During the visit to Nigeria we also filmed the final scene for the Green Musketeer documentary. We are very pleased that this beautiful film has now been completed. The premiere will take place on October 21 in the Tuschinski theater in Amsterdam. The documentary will later also be shown elsewhere - more news about this in the next newsletter.

Growboxx production test

Earlier this year we started our new Growboxx® production line. We will be testing the Growboxxes® in the lab over the coming weeks. If the results are positive, we would like to test our new Growboxx® in the field – in dry locations around the world.

Are you interested in carrying out a test? Share your location and what you would like to plant with the Growboxx® with We will provide 10-20 Growboxxes® free of charge but expect you to cover the transport costs yourself. We’d like you to monitor the test for 4 months: record the water level + temperature and take a photo from the same angle (daily for the first 3 weeks, then weekly).

Project in the Spanish Los Monegros desert

These trees were planted in 2011 with a biodegradable version of the Waterboxx® and with the reusable Waterboxx® as part of a Life+ R&D project. These photos show the results after 13 years. The trees have never received any irrigation or maintenance. This Spanish desert receives 250-350mm of rain per year and in the summer the temperature easily rises to 45 degrees. The trees are now 3-6 meters high. It is great to see the impact of Waterboxxes® which were planted with 2 trees or with 1 tree and 1 shrub; these plants also grew really well!

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