Saturday, June 15, 2024

Real Orbital Rocket With Radical Low cost

This may not be at all practical, but we are talking a single stage making it to orbit and then reentering and successfully returning.  We have made plenty of progress in engine design, so we are at least converging toward such a solution.  A little then like the first radio shack make your own computers back in the day.

Yet yes, a hot rocket delivering a small payload for cheap is welcome.  Yet Space X needs to deliver a container a day to meet its objective and small payloads will easily fit in then.  so we are going to get there anyway because we have solved the big problem of repetition.

And Space X will also deliver point to point large cargos on Earth in minutes as well cost effectively.  So we will ultimately have a huge working fleet.

Coming soon to an airport near you will be a lunch/ landing pad to handle this traffic.  Long imagined in Sci Fi.

Amazing BREAKTHROUGH: Real Orbital Rocket With Radical Low cost

By Brian Wang

JUN 12

Steve Jobs (Apple) and Commodore computers started the Personal computer revolution in 1976. The world changed from multi-million dollar mainframe computers to a world of sub-thousand dollar personal computers.

By 1980, there were over a million personal computers.

The world could change radically in the next few years. We currently live in a world where it costs over $50 million for a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. A rideshare on a Falcon 9 costs $350,000 for a 50 kilogram payload. However, you typically have to wait a year for a rideshare mission.

In 2027, instead of buying a Cybertruck, you could choose to buy your own reusable rocket and a small satellite to send up to orbit.

This rocket is real and the hardware is being tested. It is a low cost revolution.

Rocket Lab has the Electron rocket and it costs $7.5 million for a launch. the Electron rocket started at 225 kilogram payload but is now 320 kilograms.

<a href="">Sidereous Space will be able to launch 6U cubesats for $100,000.</a>

If they succeed in launching to sub-orbit next year (2025) they will already have a valuable business.

If they succeed with orbital launch in 2026 they will be ahead of other rocket companies with billion dollar or multi-billion dollar valuations.

The Sidereus rocket is designed to be fully reusable and single stage to orbit.

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