Thursday, May 23, 2024

What was the long-term impact of the Battle of Gettysburg on the Civil War?

this catches two observations largely unmentioned in our histories.  handwaving about the high water point of the conferacy fails to note that over thirty thousand men were ultimately lost here from the critical army of virginia that had been otherwise comparatively unbled.  This was a disaster compared to Paulus at Stalingrad.

The other observation is that they suffered hot pursuit losing men and mobile equipment.  Far too many narritives make out that the union was slack which is military nonsense.

Way more important is that the Napoleanic dream ended here as Picket's Grande Armee was crushed just like Waterloo.

It was over, but for a prayer, after Gettysburg as this makes completely clear.  it could only be staved off and was for a while. while Grant started exchanging bodies until true capitulation came..

The key takehome is that Gettysburg was way more important that generally accepted and was truly decisive.

What was the long-term impact of the Battle of Gettysburg on the Civil War?

Duane Siskey

Lived in Gettysburg, PA (2007–2015)

Gettysburg was devastating for Lee’s army. Putting aside the fact that he lost 28,000 killed, wounded, or captured during the three day battle, he also faced a ten day retreat that consisted of almost constant fighting. There were nearly two dozen engagements. He lost another 5,000 men during the retreat.

The men were irreplaceable. Lee had no replacements available. He didn’t have the luxury of a seemingly endless supply of recruits like northern armies had.

Lee also lost a lot of his senior officers at Gettysburg and during the retreat. Division commanders, brigade commanders, and so forth were lost, and they could not be replaced.

Lee also lost a lot of his wagons and other resources. Many were lost during the retreat.

After the Battle of Gettysburg, Lee no longer had the ability to conduct major offensive operations. He was forced to fight the war primarily in Virginia, and to conduct a defensive campaign. He was able to do this for nearly two years, but he was in a war of attrition that he couldn’t win.

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