Monday, May 27, 2024

How Eggshell Powder Can Support Bone, Skin, and Dental Health

first off, and this will seem strange ,but bthis is early days.  Yet it starts a an ideal feedstock coming of production lines in fine order and easily ground and cooked.

Then what do you do with it and we have just begun.  like how about augmenting flour?  Add vitimins? make better bread? And away you go.

Are the benefits worthwhile?  We need those answers.  Does it make better baby food?

How Eggshell Powder Can Support Bone, Skin, and Dental Health

The ancient remedy is making a comeback for modern calcium needs.

By George Citroner

While we know eggs pack a nutritional punch with their protein and brain-boosting choline, it turns out the discarded shells are a treasure trove of valuable nutrients.

From reducing your risk of osteoporosis to supporting cardiovascular health and even boosting dental hygiene, eggshells could be nature’s well-kept secret to overall wellness.

Just Half an Eggshell Delivers Your Daily Calcium NeedsThe hard outer layer of an eggshell, comprising 94 percent calcium carbonate combined with protein and other minerals like magnesium, is a nutrient powerhouse.

Each gram contains roughly 380 milligrams of calcium, nature’s most ubiquitous bone-building mineral. Just half an eggshell can provide an adult’s daily calcium requirement of 1,000 milligrams.

This abundance makes powdered eggshells an accessible, affordable calcium supplement crucial for addressing global calcium deficiencies linked to osteoporosis, pregnancy complications, certain cancers, and cardiovascular issues.

Also, the inner eggshell membrane harbors collagen, benefiting skin, joints, and digestion.
Fortifying Bones, Accelerating Wound HealingEggshell-derived calcium offers superior bioavailability compared to purified calcium carbonate from food sources, according to research. Clinical and experimental studies demonstrate that eggshell powder is suitable for preventing and treating osteoporosis, positively impacting bone and cartilage health.
A recent randomized, double-blind, controlled study published in Nutrients found that a home meal replacement fortified with eggshell powder and vitamin D prevented bone loss in postmenopausal women at high risk for osteoporosis. The study authors noted their findings align with previous research showing the benefits of vitamin-mineral supplements enriched with chicken eggshell powder.

The eggshell membrane contains nutrients like glycosaminoglycans that regulate cell growth, proliferation, and wound repair, Jacqueline Vernarelli, a nutritional epidemiologist, public health nutritionist, and professor at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut, told The Epoch Times.
This may explain why research has found the eggshell membrane can accelerate skin regeneration and enhance wound healing by stimulating cytokine production and reducing inflammation. Its collagen content is also a dietary protein beneficial for those with osteoarthritis.

Incorporating eggshell powder into one’s diet is relatively straightforward, Ms. Vernarelli said. “Like many culinary powders, eggshell powder can be incorporated into foods by mixing into soups, sauces, or breading.”
She added that appropriate safety precautions must be taken when preparing any food, and she warned against consuming raw or undercooked eggs or egg components.
Weighing the Potential Risks and BenefitsAn important consideration when consuming powdered eggshells is that some people may have allergies to egg proteins, in which case, they should avoid including eggshell powder in their diet.

For most others, there are very few serious risks or side effects associated with eggshell consumption, provided the shells are properly prepared.

Inadequately ground shells could contain sharp bits that may cause throat irritation or damage the esophagus. Improperly sterilized shells may harbor harmful bacteria like salmonella.

However, it’s possible to consume too much of a good thing. Increased dietary calcium from eggshell powder could lead to an overdose, with excessive intake potentially causing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, and low blood pressure.

It’s equally important to monitor other vitamins and medications, as these can affect calcium levels in the body. This is especially true for those taking high doses of vitamins A and D, which increase calcium absorption, and for people using over-the-counter antacid chews or tablets that may contain significant amounts of calcium.

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