Friday, March 29, 2024



this has been talked about and it has been held out as a key goal of meditation.  Yet again, why bother? Ascend to what or anything at all?  in fact it is obvious that no one actually knows. Yet meditation has been on our minds now for thousands of years.

I have been shown the physically impossible and that is  the INNER SUN.  Many others have been shown the stars and fed answers to questions by way of their spirit guides.  all this is soft ball.  Accessing the INNER SUN empowers your spirit body now operating your body.  This conveys effective youthful immortality and is a proper goal of meditation and is most likely what is meant by ascension.  Ascension means tapping the INNER SUN to sustain the body in ideal form for working on and experiencing our physical life on Earth.  This is suddenly important.

If we are going to Terraform Terra, we actually need all hands on deck.  That means over one hundred billion souls working to optimize the land, year after year.  this includes close animal husbandry and tight planned cropping as well with integrated forest grooming.

What Ascension is not is a return to the other side as we go there anyway whenever we want.  those so called examples we know about was likely a return to the future by an inserted agency.  The depiction of the ascension by Yesua is no different than his walking on water as it entails shedding gravity and rising up out of sight.

It is now clear that the greek Pantheon is a group of Atlantean masters who also ascended or mastered the Inner Sun.  all reported miracles by them or Yesua conform to what the INNER SUN implies.

we will ultimately operate in an heightened moduality like a working god of the Greek pantheon.  And live as long as we wish.

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