Tuesday, March 19, 2024

a rational understanding of the Universe.


a rational understanding of the Universe.

when we peer out into the universe, we see a sea of galaxies and within each, a sea of stars.  Our intellectual starting point is an act of creation, we call the BIG BANG and this is actually no different from other past efforts.

The insight i am sharing is that we see distant matter but fail to recall all this matter is automatically sublight.  Two things actually follow.

1  The act of creation is singular and placed back deep in time relative to all other matter and pretty well contemporaneous to other acts of creation.  It appears likely all stars are individual acts of creation and all this creating is driven by consiousness.  dust consolidation looks like any galaxy and is far too slow and only winds material into the core to be consumed through event horizons.

2  Every Galaxy has a start point and this likely accounts for its apparent age and apparent distance.  Or are we even getting information refected back to us through crystaline facets?  My point is that the observed time in any direction is open to a far broader interpretation than ever considered.

The big take home is that all that matter in every galaxy represents the extent of matter creation within that galaxy and it is all sublight.  is it even possible?  Real distances are not something we can confirm at all and multiple acts of creation could be happening inside a narrow time window.  Consciousness may well bump into a wall x billions of years back

Is it possible that all acts of creation also include directing thought back to the beginning and opening a void? This void will also expand sub light and we can direct the creation of smaller voids to produce stars and even planets.  Can it all be this easy?  Recall that the act of creation is merely the production of one SPACE TIME Pendulum  described in two dimesions by the symbol of the I Ching.  This automatically creates TIME and a flood of sublight particles easily packing to produce matter as we ultimately understand it.

all this also sets up a completely different understanding of our planets and the SUN.  their act of creation produces a shell of matter and a central core likely radiating toward the blue end of the spectrum with an ample internal open space.  It make sense that this represnts the primary habitat of all life in the universe.  folks everywhere reside on the inner surface of these shells. Obviously very safe as well.

This is also what my Cloud cosmology projects, no matter how my brain trys to dismiss it all.  and there is plenty of conforming evidence to support all this when you look.

it follows that all galaxies we can see are contemporaneously the same approximate size and that may well allow us to better estimate real distances using galactic size as a unit.

what we have thrown away is all concept of mathematical infinity whatsoever and now understand that empirical infinity happens to be a very large number and may well directly apply to all individual galaxies.  Just how do we then make light countable?  And how many pages of TIME have we flipped through?  Is cosciousness part of the content of the Galaxy or the sun or our planet?

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