Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Human Immortality on Earth is our Birthright

 Human Immortality on Earth is our Birthright

It is my nature to discover new knowledge and to share it with you.  As I have already posted, we and all life on earth are spirit bodies operating what we perceive as our physical bodies.  We have accepted aging and death along the way and current attempts to extend life remain in this physical realm are so far marginal.  Understand that the information density of our spirit body is mutiple orders of magnitude greater than possible with our physical body and it is eternzal.

Yet the purpose of meditation, which we have pursued, is to open the inner eye to the other side for them to share things with us that they deem we are ready to recieve.  I share that none of this is our choice, but we can prepare ourselves.

I am trying to put this into proper perspective.  

My real take home is that the inner eye can be opened and your spirit body flooded with safe radiation from the INNER SUN whose impossibility i have seen once and it was shocking.  My point though is that this allows you to restore your body to its physical prime around 32 years of age.  Recall that was the reported age of Yesua who most certainly was tapping the INNER SUN to do his miracles.

Of course, many of you will try to reject what i am saying.  Yet understand what i just said.  Every human is on a pathway to both living a physical life on Earth itself and also been immortal.  Physical death simply means briefly losing your presense on Earth before you reassemble yourself and come back.  Recall all those unexplained artistic halos as well.

this also puts religion in perspective as a human response to the spiritual MEME which has twisted and turned forever in and out of our worst tendancies.

The huge take home, though, is that you must prepare yourself in order for the other side to move you forward.  this is a privilage not granted until you are ready.  Understand that it is unclear how many have already made it and are simply standing by as well.

Heaven on Earth is real and your immortality is also physically real and you are already living the future but do not know this.

An immortal human being is not a God, but is an immortal live interacting on earth with human limitations.  GOD is also not an immortal human being, but best understood as the intent of the universe itself.

Please contact me if you are shown the INNER SUN.  and honour the RULE of TWELVE as our natural form of governance.


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