Saturday, February 3, 2024

Both Bushes reported executed for 9/11

WAR Dispatch

 There it is and apparently we will soon have their personal confessions to listen too.  all this leads me to tell us a conspiracy tale that may well not be true.

After the assasination of JFK, the CIA was obviously rogue and it is clear to myself that HW Bush was the central figure, but never the public figure.  This spans time from 1963 through his death even and he acted to preserve the CIA and hide crimes commited.

We do have a photo of him there.

Now there is a lot of history here and we all have pieces of it.  Let me try a list without too much narritive.

1          Murder INC long established and used to meddle in south america.  HW bush a faux oil man.

2          Murder INC deployed to assasinate JFK in 1963.  Photo of HWB leaving the depository about that time frame.  Frat boy son also in town with him.  Coincidences do not exist.  Many other disparent coincidences show ample planning in effect.

3           Reagan pops up and gets elected.  HW Bush inserted in VP position. Tasked to protect the CIA and we aslo have a failed assasination attempt with MK ulta earmarks as well.  Reagan shuts down Murder INC which makes excellent sense simply because you run out of targets too quickly.

4            Reagan establishes two decades of actual PEACE.

Now understand that PEACE is a disaster for both the CIA and the PENTAGON.  Without a hot WAR, it is impossible to wash theft and corruption out of the books as simple wastage.  Also black projects cannot be so easily funded off the books.  Look at the hassle Reagan faced over pushing policy on Nicaragua.

So with actual PEACE afoot, both parties need huge amounts of money off the books in the face of an uncoperative congress.  No wonder the Pentagon was so unethused over their final victory over the Warsaw Pact and are still trying to drum up war there.  i did not grasp all this then and was perplexed over their actions..

then along came Clinton who actually sustained the PEACE after a two day WAR with Iraq.  Understand that Saddam's claims he was hoodwinked by the Ambassador becomes very creditable.  I had dismissed that claim as well.  So something was really very wrong here.

So where was all their money really coming from?  there was a black box somewhere and it was working throough the CIA and the Pentagon.  Understand that they had control over the Drug trade in both SE Asia and South America and this simply wss not big enough to solve their cash problems.

I now think that under Bush, they literally looted most of the Gold from Fort Knox and fed it out through the market.  Understand that Bush himself had most of the expertise and trust.

Also understand that at the time and place which extended over several years at least, i noticed this.  The ongoing supply was unnatural.  Also understand that tungstan ingots look like bullion and even feels like it.  you would have to commonly handle it to notice the minor difference.  Thus we stand to discover much of the stored gold in Knox is Tungsten.

Is it then any surprise that a missle slammed directly into the offices at the pentagon engaged with auditing the pentagon on 9/11.  The whole purpose of 9/11 was to eliminate accounting records that led back to all the money.  It also gave a pretext for a wasteful WAR and Iraq was famously wasteful with money disappearing everywhere.  Is it possible that all the money publically wasted, had been spent long before?

This conspiracy theory is plausible and places HW Bush right there.  Hiding the Gold theft certainly gives us a driving motive.  They are all dead now. so perhaps the truth will not matter so much.

I have interviewed some actors and i have read deathbed confessions of many actors through all this and this is what self assembles.   

this is about as disgusting as Roman policy decissions back in the day..

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