Monday, January 29, 2024

Naive and Misguided Questions

Essentially print has fully migrated to digital format and audio visual has replaced Mainstream media and this is no trend but today it is fait accompli.

WE are all reading more and even writing more.  just how did you spend your time today?

We just do not do any of this in the way we were taught.

Understand that your aurience is engaged and if you have nothing to add, you will be dismissed..  Unfortunately editors have to cut you out.  Yet real time wasters often do not even know.  It has slowly diesd out though.

Naive and Misguided Questions

January 27, 2024 by Brian Wang

There is a common internet accusation. I write some articles on a topic and then there is some accusation if there is a financial connection. These question are from naive people who do not understand the internet, journalism or business or viable scams.

Are the sources above pretending to not have bias?

Why would IVO launch to space and fake it? There is NORAD tracking of the satellite. It has to move or it does not work. It is irrelevant what the public relations and promotions are.

But they could fake it? It went up on SpaceX rideshare. SpaceX is not sending up black boxes. There could crazy or incompetent people who could send something that could explode and take out the rest of the rideshare. The engineering drawings and the payloads have to be tested and verified.

Journalism. All journalists have biases. There are journalists and news sources who are self aware and know what those biases are and there are those who pretend and fake impartiality. There can be efforts made to impartiality. Mem11363 is a noob who believes the BS that journalists are impartial and there are unbiased new sources. If Mem11363 looked at what is happening, there would be the realization that there is all kinds of bias in business and technology reporting. There is reporting and reporting has bias. Bias by omission and addition.

Walter Williams was the first dean of the University of Missouri School of Journalism. He is credited with starting the world’s first school of journalism in 1908. Williams believed that journalism education should be professionalized and offered at a university. This was a marketing tactic and power move to get journalism and journalists to be gatekeepers to information. Do the noobs try to ask whether they should believe the journalists when the journalists say only journalists should be believed? Grow up and learn some history and business and how the world works.

There were 20,000 newspapers in 1900. There was then consolidation under magnates like Hearst. There was then the emergence of radio, TV, cable cable news and the internet. From 2005 to 2021, about 2,200 American local print newspapers closed. From 2008 to 2020, the number of American newspaper journalists fell by more than half.

There are hundreds of millions of blogs on the internet today. More than 440 million blogs are found on Tumblr, Squarespace and WordPress alone.

In 2011, Google changed its algorithm, punishing blogs they deemed to contain thin content. Facebook and the platforms got many bloggers to shift over from independent blogs onto the platforms. There was more visibility but usually reduced monetization. Monetization is only achieved by those with critical mass. Merch is a means for smaller traffic niches to gain viable monetization or enhance monetization.

In the past year, Nextbigfuture has been ranked as high as 1200th in the world for all news sites. Last month, it was down to 2300 but is coming back up this month to top 2000.

Nextbigfuture is a lone independent blog on science, technology and whatever I, Brian Wang, am interested in. I am interested in what will change the world with science, technology or business. I want to be able to predict and anticipate the future.

If I can I want to influence things to a better world. Nextbigfuture has had impact. I was the first to popularize a research paper with the concept of deaths per terawatt for energy. This had millions of views over many articles. This was picked up by other media and is now in the World in Data. This would still have been found, I was the first to popularize it.

I was one of the first to write and promote Thorium and Molten Salt Nuclear reactors. I wrote the first articles interviewing Kirk Sorenson back in 2006-2009 and beyond. Kirk was keeping the concept of Thorium and Molten Salt alive after there was “Molten Salt winter” for about three or four decades. Kirk formed a company to develop it in 2011. I got no money for any of that and I did not get invested in his company. There are now other companies with more funding and traction in the Molten Salt Space. The scientists and engineers who chose to work on it did not all get inspired by the pioneer. They are smart people and they figured it out by themselves.

I have invested in some technology and science startups over the years and I invest in technology companies. You will notice that I am still writing this website. If one of those investments went truly next level, I might still write this site but activity might drop off a lot.

However, all of the people who make a business with youtube, content creation in general, websites and blogs, you have to love it and have motivation beyond the money. If the motivation is money then it has to compete with alternatives. Nextbigfuture is still going when 90% of the peer blogs are gone.

I am telling everyone. I hope that Quantized Inertia drive works. I also hope aging reversal and antiaging work. I want SpaceX to succeed with the fully reusable Super Heavy Starship. Any financial incentives I have are trivial relative to humanity being able to make a technological leap. I want AI and humanoid robotics to work.

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