Saturday, November 11, 2023


 I am in a mood today and I want to talk about a fundamental understanding of our physical universe.

It takes an act of creation to create TIME.  what this means is that outside such an act of creation,  TIME is non existent, suggesting the logical question of what came before is meaningless.

Yet if you follow me, it is also obvious that such an act of creation expands at the speed of light which we can observe, while leaving behind everything created including all sub light particles.  Thus we see galaxies of sublight particles all of whom represent independent acts of creation set deep back in terms of our internal galactic clock.

all matter creation produces photons that are internally two dimensional while all matter is three dimensional and thus sublight.  So what does light tell us about TIME at source?

with this perspective, i do think that all galaxies are an inflowing self creating body of sublight particles been ultimately consumed by the galactic so called Black Hole.  They may well be approaching stasis.

I do not think that TIME exists for a photon except as information, wheras it is real for particles.  This information does allow photons to decay into sublight particles on the basis of this information.

CONJECTURE:  No information is ever destroyed and our Black hole unwinds the 3D structure of matter back into photons which is then carried of with the attendent gravity.  The information can then escape its parent galaxy, but never 3D matter.

MATHEMATICAL  ETERNITY is countable mathematical infinity with an END NUMBER produced locally at the Galactic level but may not integrate with the population of Galaxies themselves allthough all such numbers will be close.  ie. Ng1 is approximately Ng2, Ng3, etc but not equal.

What are we really seeing out there?  What if everywhere we look, we see an aspect of our own galaxy?  how could we even tell?  Is it all reflected back through TIME?  I do want to at least open this question.  Do we as consiousness reach back in TIME to the beginning and induce creation?

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