Friday, September 1, 2023

50 Million Canadians by 2030 Can Surpass the GDP of France

I do not know if this can be sustained, but so far, so good.  Policy is unlikely to be changed simply because we learned a long time ago, that every immigrant while retaining real loyalty to his homeland, produces perfectly good little Canadians just like a bunny..

Our present advantage is that thanks to good advertising, we get to skim the actual immigrant flow and get folks able to fit in however problematic it sometimes is.  So yes, this is unique.

At the same time, all other countries are now suffering a slow grinding population decline and no one has really done anything to reverse it all.  This will take real time to change.  Certainly at least the next decade.   folks are only starting to wake up to our common danger.  Japan is already showing us and china is about to experience an accelerated reduction as the one child policy comes home to roost.

Understand that the St Lawrence watershed, operated sustainably can easily hold tens times its current numbers using both sides of the great lakes.  It already has the urban complexes of Chicago, Toronto and Montreal.

then imagine a floating urban complex in the Salish Sea called New hong Kong or a prairie complex between Calgary and Edmonton.

Without trying to change a thing we can house another 100,000,000.

50 Million Canadians by 2030 Can Surpass the GDP of France

August 30, 2023 by Brian Wang

Canada passed 40 million people just 75 days ago but is now on track to have added 300,000 people in 77 days. Canada was adding about 300,000 people each year from 2000 to 2010, but the pace of the last 75 days is 1.44 million people per year.

This pace of immigration will reach 50 million in 2030 and 64 million people by 2040. Canada has higher per capita income than France and could surpass France’s GDP in 2030 and would reach or surpass the population of France and the UK around 2040. Canada’s population would pass Germany in 2050.

Canada would go from 8% of US GDP now to 16-20% in 2050.

Canada would double its population in 2000 at just over 30 million by reaching 60 million in 2037.

The 20th century is largely characterized as the American Century where population more than tripled from 76 million in 1900 to 282 million in 2000. It was also where America achieved economic, political and technological dominance. Canada could have an impressive Canadian century in the 21st Century. This pace of immigration would see Canada reach 90 million people by 2060 and over 150 million by 2100.

This is especially impressive with populations around the world falling below replacement. Mothers are having far less than the two children needed to replace the mother and father.

There is only a global net migration of 4 million people. Canada is getting over 30% of the global immigrants who are willing to leave their home countries. There is a total of 10 million immigrants globally but 6 million are swapping between countries.

Canada is playing a winning strategy of skimming the professional and educated and affluent immigrants.

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