Friday, August 18, 2023

Brer Trump's 4th Indictment and the Coming Storm

It finally became clear to me that the q posts were dropped to us from our future, but also obliquely to confuse and obscure it all.'

We now understand that the crap hits the fan in january and it is obviously meant to be. What a show though.

do read this carefully and understand how someone is reading future news..

*** Brer Trump's 4th Indictment and the Coming Storm ***

Slimes Caption: Former President Trump in the White House briefing room after making a statement on Nov. 5, 2020

AUGUST 15, 2023

NY Times: How Trump Benefits From an Indictment Effect

NY Times: Trump Indicted in 2020 Election Interference Case in Georgia

The Georgia case offers a vivid reminder of the extraordinary lengths Mr. Trump and his allies went to in the Southern state to reverse the election.


Within an hour of the dramatic announcement down in Georgia, Criminal Indictment #4 had already got Trump feigning the type of martyr's outrage sure to boost his polling numbers and his donations yet again. Even Sulzberger's Slimes is openly conceding the reality of this "blowback" phenomenon now.

As we've been saying since the 2017 days of the "Mueller Investigation" -- EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of these raids, investigations, civil suits and criminal indictments has been part of a modified Brer Rabbit operation. Brer Rabbit, as fellow boomers will recall from childhood, was the cunning little character who frantically pleaded with his nemesis, Brer Fox, to kill him any way that he saw fit -- except for being thrown into the briar patch, that is. Brer Rabbit begged: “Whatever you do, don’t throw me into the briar patch!” Assuming that must therefore be the worst fate of all, Brer Fox flung his hated captive into the briar patch -- which was actually what the clever rodent had wanted him to do! After escaping, Brer Rabbit then taunted Brer Fox: “I was born and raised in the briar patch, Brer Fox!" as he hopped away.

The reason we say that what we are witnessing is a "modified" Brer Rabbit is because, in this case, Brer Trump is actually "in cahoots" with Brer Fox. The whole affair is a one part professional wrestling match, and one part drama / suspense movie with many scenes and many actors. "Prosecutor" Fox is a White Hat! The show is all for the normies. Surely, "youse guys" can all see this by now, right?

* Editor's Note: Brer is old southern Black slang for "brother."

Brer Trump is facing 4 indictments and nearly 100 felony counts --- and he is absolutely loving it!

Re-reading the Q blueprint -- comprised of about 5000 posts which, your faithful full-time reporter here has, over the course of three plus years, assiduously studied one by one -- is a lot like like watching Godfather 1 and 2 again and again (which I have also done). With each repetition, new twists and subtleties reveal themselves. This is especially true with Q as current events unfold each day. As Q stated 51 separate times, "future proves past" -- and indeed it has, many times.

Q Post 4621, from August 17, 2020, is one of those riddles which had vexed us "autists" for a long time. It was about "indictments," and was clearly presented as one of those future-will-prove-past forecasts. However, it had yet to be cracked over the course of the past three years. Hat tip to Truth Social poster "Kimberly" for filling in some blanks on this one. Below is the original Q post (left), side-by-side with Kimberly's additions (items 2-6, in red).

1. With the most recent indictment down in Georgia, the number of Trump's criminal indictments (including what is known as a superseding indictment on July 27) perfectly completes the mysterious list set forth by Q almost exactly three years ago. Nice work Kimberly!

Not only are all of the pieces now in place for Trump's defense to expose all manner and all magnitude of voter fraud and God-only-knows-what-else; but the media buzz is strongly suggesting that these spectacles will indeed be televised, beginning sometime in January 2024. The timing (very close to football's annual "Super Bowl") may be the answer to yet another "future proves past" riddle which has proved vexing. This potential de-code is my own --- Q # 2843 from February 20, 2019 -- and mentioned again in Q # 4484 from June 20, 2020:

The fun begins directly after (US Court SDNY).
Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.

And indeed, the anticipated wall-to-wall "flood the zone" TV trials just might do that. Stay tuned.

Will the next Super Bowl "look like a puppy show" in comparison to "The Storm" that is coming in the form of the Brer Trump criminal trials? Notice how both Q posts mention the US court, SDNY (Southern District of New York). That's where this all started with the "Stormy Daniels" allegations ---- "Stormy" --- get it?

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