Tuesday, June 6, 2023

New Observatory to Study Marian Apparitions

This is very welcome. such events do need application of a consistent protocol for this phenom.  It is also true that we have more than one phenom ,but they are also all repeated.  some are not convincing, while others way more so and we even have testable phenom.

After all blood can be sampled and ultimately subjected to extensive testing.  Just proving hte outright existence of fraud is welcome.  otherwise we can produce a powerful proof.

Of course we have direct testimony from the observers linking apparitions directly to Mary, which is why we pay attention.  This is not great grandfather reporting back from the happy hunting ground.

What i do find curious is that we had a fraudulent early report on the Shroud of Turin that supported medeval fraud generated by carbon 14 testing on medeval repairs.  so who cared?  further work properly done placed it and the fabric right were it is supposed to be.

So who Cared?  Just do yourhomework.

New Observatory to Study Marian Apparitions

By Hannah Brockhaus

An institution has been formed in Rome to study alleged Marian apparitions and other supernatural phenomena in the Catholic Church.

The International Observatory on Marian Apparitions and Mystical Phenomenon (OISA) was established in April and is part of the Pontifical International Marian Academy.

The objective of the observatory is to research alleged Marian apparitions and other phenomena, such as the apparent crying or bleeding of Marian statues and images, whose authenticity have not yet been declared by the competent authority.

The task of the observatory is not “to judge or intervene in alleged apparitions or phenomena, but to study how these events take place and to give information and support to the bishops of the various dioceses who need to conduct investigations in this field,” she said in a press conference earlier this month, as reported by Italian magazine Famiglia Cristiana.

A diocesan bishop is responsible for giving official recognition to an apparition that took place or is taking place in his diocese according to a specific process and criteria outlined by the Vatican. A diocesan commission will also be involved.

One of the most important criteria for approving an apparition, Del Gaudio said, according to Famiglia Cristiana, is “the consistency of the message transmitted by the visionary or visionaries with that of the public divine revelation contained in Sacred Scripture.”

She explained Marian apparitions do not introduce new revelation; they bring “a spiritually fruitful actualization of the Gospel in human history.”

The new observatory will take a multidisciplinary approach to the study of Marian apparitions with scholars from the areas of sociology, culture, psychology, medicine, and theology, Del Gaudio said.
The observatory began its activities on April 15 and is headquartered in the offices of the Pontifical International Marian Academy in Rome.

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