Wednesday, May 3, 2023

First-of-Its-Kind Image Captures a Black Hole’s Shooting Jet

I am extremely sceptical regarding these interpretations.  Not least because a galaxy is rotating and any pulse will also be rotating.  The only way for any of this to do any of this is to travel at lightspeed and then decay back into visible particles.  That tells us that photons are exiting the black hole and not matter directly which is what i actually expect.

I do think that matter is unwound into photons carrying scale and a lot of memory in terms of its original matter state.  It is possible information remains conservecd and that is why we have reversal back into matter with ample exit velocity.

Just stop talking about jets thousands of light years in length ever been made of matter.

First-of-Its-Kind Image Captures a Black Hole’s Shooting Jet

The finding could help reveal how black holes launch such high-energy ejections

Will Sullivan

April 28, 2023

The first image to show the shadow of black hole M87 as well as its jet R.-S. Lu (SHAO), E. Ros (MPIfR), S. Dagnello (NRAO/AUI/NSF)

In a stunning new image, astronomers have captured a black hole at the center of a distant galaxy expelling a high-energy jet of matter out into the cosmos.

The jet is longer than the galaxy that contains it, stretching for 5,000 light-years. Scientists have known that black holes emanate jets, but this image is the first to show the jet’s base connecting to the black hole’s accretion disk, or the collection of matter that releases radiation as it’s sucked inside the void.

“This is an amazing result,” Sasha Tchekhovskoy, an astrophysicist who studies black holes at Northwestern University and did not contribute to the research, tells Sky & Telescope’s Camille M. Carlisle.

“Now we can start to address questions such as how matter is captured by a black hole, and how it sometimes manages to escape,” Kazunori Akiyama, a co-author of the study and an astrophysicist at MIT, says in a statement.

Black holes, which have a tremendously strong gravitational pull, suck in anything in their vicinity, including light. But they can also shoot out jets of matter at nearly light speed, though scientists don’t know why this happens, according to the Guardian’s Hannah Devlin.

The researchers hope the findings, published Wednesday in the journal Nature, can help answer this and other questions about these dark abysses in space. The new image “helps to better understand the complicated physics around black holes, how jets are launched and accelerated and how matter inflow into the black hole and matter outflow are related,” Thomas Krichbaum, a co-author of the study and an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany, tells Reuters’ Will Dunham.

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