Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Reversing Dementia, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, Autism and other neurological issues.


I had an extended conversation today with my daughter on her ongoing spiritual researchs regarding the above medical problems.  Extremely insightful.  In fact, the future for all these has just brightened.  

Two big take homes is that those diseases driven by physicological changes can be reversed using a deeply researched new supplement product.  It takes time but we have complete reversal in one autistic child to share and this is indicated for most of the rest as well.

The key problem to over come are microlesions both on the brain surface and also likely within the brain as well.  Simply reversing those micro lesions allows the brain to properly rewire.

This is very good news that can ultimately applied by any practicioner.

The second big take hame has been the complete reversal of dementia in a 93 year old woman.I have never heard of that happening before.  The process required extensive spiritual work with a family member that also engaged the rest of the family as well, but culminated with the womans spirit causing it all to happen. At no time was the patient communicated with because that was impossible.

What we learned is that the cognitive mind can block healing or any form of improvement even when the spirit of that person is standing by.  engaging that spirit remotely allowed resolution and a restoration of an active cognitive mind.  It is quite possible that cognitive minds can shut down almost in pursuit of death.

I now think that all forms of mental illness can be resolved.  It is still in most cases a process and we are even taking on chronic family disorders as well successfully.  Plenty of overlap obviously.  Yet it is early days and we will soon need talented folks to join in with the process.  We will need a community of spiritual practicioners.

From the persective of sharing this message, we understand that reversing dementia will provide best traction.  Everyone has been touched and millions of caregivers want to see a better outcome.  The surprise for all is just reversing a first clear case of dementia.  It is possible!

If you do have clear comms with the other side, we welcome comming with you.

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