Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Are Injected Nanotechnologies Causing The Absolutely Bizarre Behaviors

No formal confirmation, but I have seen a surprising number of people walking about and talking to the universe.  The video shows folks suddenly talking to the wind and then collapsing.

When you have cells been randomly slashed inside, this is not surprising. Is this how 5,000,000,000 will die literally in front of us?  We are taliking about no real warning here.

 Our hope is that most of the crap gets closed off.  Those long clot like things found in blood veins suggest this may be happening..  Still nasty.

Again the science is been hidden.

Are Injected Nanotechnologies Causing The Absolutely Bizarre Behaviors Seen In These Videos? As More Vaxxed People 'Die Suddenly', Tie In Nanotechnologies To See The Big Picture!
- 5G Being Used To 'Activate' These 'Victims' Of Globalists Mind Control Experiments?

November 3, 2022


On November 1st, ANP published what was for me personally an incredibly eye-opening story written and sent to us by Kathleen Gotto titled "Highly Advanced Nanotechnology Is At 'The Tip Of The Needle!' - Fully Programmable And Self-Assembling Tech Used In Vaxxes As Globalists Move Towards Completing The Gilgamesh Project" within which she proved beyond a doubt that 'nanotechnologies' are being used in 'the vaxxes' the globalists have been trying to get the entire world to 'inject,' and we're going to be using the information from that story to examine a 'bizarre new trend' happening in 2022, people 'dying suddenly,' some of those bizarre deaths caught on the must-watch video directly below for the entire world to see.

With Kathleen also pointing out in that ANP story the ties of all of this now unfolding to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and specifically Yuval Noah Harari, an advisor to the WEF who fully believes: human beings are 'hackable animals;' we are the 'last generation of homo sapiens;' and that our God-given 'human operating system' can be 'replaced' by a 'technology-based operating system' that can be 'controlled by others,' take note that Harari also believes that 'technology' is one of the greatest 'tools' of authoritarianism and dictatorship.

With Harari also believing that 'free will' in human beings is dangerous (Yes, free will is dangerous, to wannabe dictators!,) watch the people 'dying suddenly' in the video below and then try to tell us that SOMETHING VERY STRANGE is NOT going on! With nearly each one of these people caught on video 'dying suddenly' seeming to witness something that was not there, each of them reaching out towards some invisible object(s), spinning around to see 'it', keep this insane video in mind when you think of Yuval Noah Harari's plans to 'hack' human beings to be able to 'control us.'

And as we'll explore in the next section of this story below, with Kathlee

So while we're still hearing from some that 'nanotechnologies' inside of the 'vaxxes' is a 'crazy conspiracy theory' being spouted by 'the right,' check out this story from pro-technology website Euractiv published back on December 4th of 2020, before the vaxxes came out, titled "Nanotechnology: Part of COVID-19 vaccines but potential still hindered in Europe."

Reporting at the very outset "This article is part of our special report: The future of nanomedicines in Europe" that "Nanotechnology has contributed to the production of vaccines against the COVID-19 virus" and that "Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines...do include nanotechnology-based approaches," their story then touched upon something Kathleen's ANP article yesterday also mentioned, 'lipid-based':

“Both vaccines are based on lipid-based nanoparticles. So, it’s important to realize that it has a huge opportunity, it’s already established, but there are still some challenges that we need to solve."

Might those 'challenges' present themselves to the outside world as what we see in the video above?

How many people who took those vaxxes do you think actually knew they were getting 'nano-technologies' injected into them? No doubt after watching that video and seeing so many different people suffering very similar, and very bizarre, reactions leads us to conclude something incredibly sinister is going on and 'We the American People' absolutely MUST get to the bottom of this.

Certainly after seeing how many people are suddenly 'dying suddenly,' anyone paying any attention at all will never ever get one of those vaxxes injected into them, because this wasn't happening before the vaxxes.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

And check out the image directly above that we had also used in this November 1st ANP story, with the original image being taken from a story over at The Atlantic written by Klaus Schwab's WEF stooge Yuval Noah Harari on why technology favors tyranny, so we humans need to merge with AI/machines. With the 'people of the future' Harari dreams of seen above seemingly merged with the 'great computer chip,' was what we see above the 'end game' for those poor people seen in the video above? As that vax/nanotech expert we quoted above said, "there are still some challenges that we need to solve."

And as Mike Adams over at Natural News reported in this new story titled "The SYNBIO “Borgification” infiltration of the human race: It’s WAY beyond infertility and depopulation… humans are HOSTING a nano-scale computational PLATFORM," after being 'injected,' and quite literally HOSTING property owned by the 'big pharma mafia,' the vaxxed may now THEMSELVES be PROPERTY of those cartels!

And if you aren't quite up to date on the 'big pharma mafia' and might ask 'what cartels,' as far-left The Daily Beast had reported all the way back in February of 2015 in this story titled "Big Pharma Is America’s New Mafia," "Pharmaceutical companies have more power than ever, and the American people are paying the price—too often with our lives." You can say that again!

So with heart failures and other cardiovascular diseases absolutely exploding as 2022 nears its end as heard in the videos below, and the left-wing media now insanely asking for amnesty for those who carried out COVID fascism and oppression, as we also hear in the 2nd video below, there is NO WAY that those who've carried out experiments upon the American people, quite literally GENOCIDE, should ever get 'amnesty,' especially with so many people now dying from the shots that THEY tried to force us ALL to take!

The 3rd video below is a trailer for the upcoming movie "Died Suddenly" which shows that this is now happening all across America and the world with that search term skyrocketing to near the top of google's search terms over the last several weeks and more and more Americans sure to learn of it as more and more Americans 'die suddenly' in the coming months. So are all of these people 'dying suddenly' due to the 'nanotechnology experiments' being injected into their bodies? Stay tuned...

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