Monday, August 15, 2022

X Ray Show Turin Shroud 2000 Years Old

I have known this for a long time..  In fact the 1988 carbon 14 test was a prime example of just how problematic all carbon 14 dates can be.  You really need confirmation and that makes it really difficult.

Dates we truly know are the end of Atlantis in 1159 BC ( irish bog tree rings) twenty years after the trojan war in the Baltic 1179 BC ( star positions )  these events lock down other dates as well, so for almost a generation we have trustworthy timelines.

It has taken real effort over thirty years, but now the best possible evaluation does give us the traditional time frame and so close to all the event to ensure reporting accuracy.  The events themselves were magical so of course gthe shroud was preserved.

We really need to get past this faux dispute.  We are looking at the 3D image of a man who may well be may well be Northern European.  WTF??

X Ray Show Turin Shroud 2000 Years Old

The Shroud of Turin is arguably the most important relic of Christianity. According to tradition, it is the sepulchral sheet that would have wrapped the body of Jesus after the crucifixion. In 1988 the carbon 14 dating of some samples taken from the Shroud, carried out by three distinct laboratories, indicated that it should have only about 7 centuries of history, all in Europe. Therefore, the sheet would be inauthentic since, apparently, it dates back only to the Middle Ages. Now, in a new peer-reviewed study “X-ray Dating of a Turin Shroud’s Linen Sample” published in March 2022, by MDPI Heritage (, Italian scientist Liberato De Caro has reported that fabric tests show the Shroud is indeed 2,000 years old. De Caro and his colleagues made the discovery by utilizing a technique called “Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering” (WAXS). With such an analysis, it is possible, they say, to evaluate the structural degradation due to natural aging of the cellulose that makes up the fibers of the linen threads.

Textile samples, says the study, are especially vulnerable to contamination of all kinds, which are not always possible to control and to completely remove from the artifact to be dated. Molds and bacteria, colonizing textile fibers, and dirt or carbon-containing minerals, such as limestone, in the empty spaces between fibers represent about 50% of the volume, that at a microscopic level, can be difficult to completely eliminate in the sample cleaning phase. All of that can distort the dating. In fact, the fabric can include new carbon 14, assimilated through epochs subsequent to the one in which the textile originated. Textile samples indeed are the most at risk of contamination for radio dating, and are difficult to eliminate, since the surface per unit of weight exposed to the interaction with the outside is very high, due to the small diameter of the microfibers (10-20 micrometers) and the high number of microfibers per thread (about 200). About half the volume of a natural fiber yarn is actually empty, interstitial space, filled with air or anything else, between the fibers that compose it. Everything that enters the fibers must be carefully removed. If this does not happen, carbon 14 dating is not reliable.

It cannot be ruled out that such a thing could have happened in the 1988 study, a fact confirmed by the fact that moving from the periphery towards the center of the sheet, along the longer side, there is a significant increase in carbon 14. In this way, it is possible to date with X-ray analysis the ancient tissues from which the samples were taken. Starting from the results obtained in the 1988 study, on comparative samples taken from linen fabrics of varying age between 3000 BC and 2000 AD, it was possible to date a sample of the Shroud thread. According to the De Caro study, the Shroud sample analyzed consists of a wire taken near the 1988 / radiocarbon area (angle corresponding to the foot area of the frontal image, near the so-called Raes sample). The size of the linen sample analyzed is approximately 0.5 mm × 1 mm. The integrated WAXS data profiles, obtained on the Shroud sample (orange curve in the figure), are compatible with the similar measurements obtained on a linen sample whose dating, according to historical documents, is 55-74 AD, siege of Masada, Israel (green curve in the figure). The degree of natural aging of the cellulose that constitutes the linen of the investigated sample, obtained by X-ray analysis, showed that the Shroud fabric is much older than the 7 centuries proposed by the radiocarbon dating of 1988.

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