Saturday, July 16, 2022

Mind-Speaking Wolf Incident on Cold Lake, Alberta Farm

This is one hell of a report. That Big Black Wolf may well have been a Giant Sloth instead as there is no indication of a pack.

The clarity of the mind to mind comms is what matters here.  This is not images but clear words understood in ones own internal language.

And yes, this was our friend the Giant Sloth who is showing real defferance to vulnerable human beings.  They understand that they do not need us on the hunt for real.

Mind-Speaking Wolf Incident on Cold Lake, Alberta Farm

Monday, July 11, 2022

The following account, provided by Steve at The Facts By Howtohunt . com, details an Alberta, Canada boy mind-speaking with a massive wolf. It seems that the farm had a lot of unexplained phenomena.

Shane (no last name provided) recalled an incident in the early 1960s when he was still a boy. His family lived on a small isolated farm in Cold Lake, Alberta between the early 1960s and early 1970s. He lived in the house with his mother, father, two sisters and three brothers. All the boys slept in the loft while the sisters slept in a large closet that had been divided into two separate rooms. They had an outhouse, but in the winters, because of the bitter winters in Cold Lake, they kept a five gallon pale on an enclosed back porch for them to use. The older male family members would just urinate out the windows during these times.

“One night, I needed to use the bucket. Everyone else was asleep. As I was sitting on this bucket, a very large wolf head came through the window. The head filled the window! It looked me straight in the eyes and smiled at me. Now all this I remember, as if it was yesterday and I’m becoming emotional as I type this. Of course, I was in terror. Then we had a conversation in our heads and he said to me, 'Why are you all alone, little man?' I said, 'I need to poop and it's cold.' Then it said, You know I can jump right in there and eat you and you would not scream because you're terrified.' I replied, 'I can't do nothing.' I said [that] in my mind. He then smiled at me again and left. I quickly ran past the window through the door, back up the very steep stairs and into the bed.

Of course, when I tried to tell everyone, which was very hard for me due to a very bad stutter, they told me it was just a dream. But I always knew it wasn't a dream. Years later, I spoke to my sister about it while we were talking about other strange things that happened on that farm. She said she seen the same, but by then her parents moved the bucket into the kitchen. I don't know why they did. My mom says it was impossible for a wolf to look through those windows because they were too high off the ground.

Apparently the windows were about 7-feet off the ground, which meant that the creature had to have been that height or taller, standing upright.

Transcribed source: The Facts By Howtohunt . com, from a video titled, 'Shot And Killed A Recorded And Investigated Account', Uploaded 22 Jun 2022

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