Thursday, June 16, 2022

'Hoof Man' Incidents Described at Yavapai Nation Reservation, Arizona

I went through this and it largely sounds like the Giant Sloth at work.  Most of our other sightings took place on forest soils.  This is taking place on stones and hard pan.  

The hind legs of the Sloth are goat like at the least and we are surely dealing with a robust nail structure at the least.  Witnesses suggested that the hoof sounds came across like goat sounds.  at least that eliminates the sound of a horse hoof.

A robust foot pad is called for and that is shown on our fossil sketches and protruding claws would make noise on rocks and hard pan.

The hind legs of the Giant sloth remains ambigous so far.  Now we may well have a working hoof, also suggested by other observations.

'Hoof Man' Incidents Described at Yavapai Nation Reservation, Arizona

Monday, June 13, 2022

The 'Hoof Man' entity, that is said to stalk the Yavapai Nation Reservation in Arizona, is described in two incidents experienced by the witness. A tall black entity with glowing red eyes.

"I saw the Hoof Man (a creature said to stalk the Fort McDowell, Yavapai Nation Reservation in Maricopa County, Arizona) twice in my life. Both sightings were at night time.

The first time, I was 6-years-old attending a family cookout. We began hearing hooves running around our house very fast. Everyone was outside enjoying themselves when suddenly, all the adults began to quiet down. Everyone got quiet, so all we could hear was hooves moving at a very fast unnatural pace. My mom began rushing the kids inside when suddenly, all the electricity in the house shut off.

As we were surrounded by the silence and darkness we could hear the heavy breathing of a large animal. Suddenly, we heard a loud thump, as if something hit the ground really hard. And the sound was right in our front yard. We heard a rustling then suddenly, the lights and music came back on. My grandpa then shouted "He stole our meat!" Everyone came to realize the raw meat that they had just put on the grill was gone. But then they noticed a single pair of hoof prints in front of the grill and some type of animal hair was left on the grill as well. Everyone rushed inside because they were obviously terrified.

My uncles grabbed their guns and went looking for it, but found nothing. Everyone knew who took the meat without having to say it. This was back in 1998 on Fort McDowell.

The second time was the most frightening since we actually saw him up close. All I can say is what I saw that night is exactly what was usually described. A very large (at least 8 foot tall) solid black entity with glowing red eyes." CS (comment from video)

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