Monday, May 30, 2022

Gain of function on Pox Viruses confirmed

I have never said this but there is nothing more unethical than Gain of Function research and needs to be classified as a Crime against Humanity.  There is no possible ethical meed for this research and curiosity does not cut it.

We have already been treated to manipulated corona virus problems that were actually released as an ongoing military intervention for the purpose of disrupting the global economy.  What was somewhat successful was the planned excess response to the faux pandemic.  The virus itself was generally discharged naturally over a few months, but not before providing apparent evidence of its passing.  Corona viruses were always a lousy tool.

Dicking with Small pox is quite another matter.  It had an astounding kill rate even in populations with extensive generational immunity.  We know this and know that it was eliminated by long hard global use of cow pox vacdcinations to close the generational gap.  Yet somewhere some slug has allowed work on this virus.

an unstoppable Small pox virus would likely succeed in killing all humanity if spread militarily.  Understand that natural kill agencies must still survive and maintain a potential pool of carriers.  The military version does not need this.

Mind Blown! Gain of function on Pox Viruses confirmed

May 23, 2022

Amid this new monkeypox scaremongering, Amazing Polly set her sights on the late Dr Mark Buller, who was the US’ foremost orthopoxvirus researcher and who, with Anthony Fauci’s NIAID funds, conducted at least two rounds of gain of function research on viruses related to smallpox at St. Louis University.

In 2003, Dr Buller inserted an interleukin 4 (IL-4) gene into a mousepox virus, creating an antigen so lethal that it killed all of the mice that had been infected, even those that had been vaccinated and treated with antiviral drugs. It’d been surmised since the early 1990s that smallpox and other orthopoxviruses, like cowpox and monkeypox could be similarly weaponized.

In 2012, Dr Buller recommended against using the smallpox vaccine as a prevention against monkeypox in this paper, published by the NIH, writing:

“Human vaccination is becoming a less viable option to control poxvirus infections in today’s increasingly immunocompromised population, particularly with the emergence of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. An increased frequency of human monkeypox virus infections, especially in immunocompromised individuals, may permit monkeypox virus to evolve and maintain itself independently in human populations.”

Polly suggests that Dr Buller may have thereby committed a cardinal sin and in 2017, he was killed by a car impact during one of his daily bike rides.

The UK’s health agency is currently doing exactly what Dr Buller had recommended against: administering smallpox vaccines to those found to be the most at-risk of monkeypox, which is gay and bisexual men.

There’s lots more dot-connecting, here. She gets into how the Biden Regime’s Chief-of-Staff Ron Klain was the White House Coordinator for the 2014 ebola outbreak under Obama and how former CIA Director John Brennan oversaw and coordinated the White House response to SARS and H1n1 while serving at his previous appointed post as Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism during the Obama administration.

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