Wednesday, February 2, 2022

President Eisenhower Did Meet With Aliens in 1954, According to Former Politician

Since then we have obviously formalized our interactions with various aliens and no longer do we fumble about.  Also recall that gravity research was 'abandoned' the next year.  So we are looking at 1947 and Roswell which jump started out attention to 1955 when the cone of silence descended.

after that nothing except increasing UFO sightings and what i now understand as increasing human space craft activity identified by generally crude tech.

When you understand that Starship Enterprise 1.1 flew in 1980, was used to wipe out 100,000 iraqi soldiers in 1990 and is now advanced another thirty years.  They carry the Rods of GOD also tested three years ago.

Looks like cooperation to me.  Even the Chinese suspect as much.


President Eisenhower Did Meet With Aliens in 1954, According to Former Politician

uesday, February 01, 2022

Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retired State Representative to New Hampshire, declared in May 2010 that former U.S. President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth. McElroy also said that the document he viewed while at the State Legislature made reference to the opportunity for Eisenhower to meet the alien visitors:

Transcript - Hon. Henry McElroy, Jr.:

Hello, I’m speaking with you from Fort Monroe, Virginia. We’re also known as 'The Gateway to Freedom.' We sit right next to a little town called Phoebus, Virginia. Interestingly, they call themselves The Gateway to the New World. Phoebus sits inside of Hampton, Virginia whose motto is First from the Sea, First to the Stars.

My name is Henry McElroy, Jr. a retired, former State Representative from New Hampshire. Thank you for your attention to this brief message concerning the world’s interaction with both Earth-based, and off-world astronauts. The reason I am making this announcement is in the hopes of encouraging better perspective to all who explore the universe. Therefore, as a result, making a more valuable contribution to humanity, for the benefit of all faiths, all races and all nations.

Another reason I am here today is because I believe in the foundational wisdom of our nation, which was laid down by our founding fathers and because we know that highly advanced knowledge and information can assist human beings in solving various problems both in current times, and in our future.

When I was in the New Hampshire State Legislature, I served on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee. It was, apparently, important that as a Representative of the Sovereign People who had elected me to this Honorable Office, that I be updated on a large number of topics related to the affairs of our People, and our Nation. As I understood it, some of those ongoing topics had been examined and categorized as Federal, State, Local development, and security matters. These documents related to various topics some of which spanned decades of our nation’s history.

One of those recurring topics is the reason I am addressing you this evening. I would like to submit to our nation my personal testimony of one document related to one of these ongoing topics which I saw while in office, serving on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee. The document I saw was an official brief to President Eisenhower. To the best of my memory this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America.

The brief seemed to indicate that a meeting between the President and some of these visitors could be arranged as appropriate if desired. The tone of the brief indicated to me that there was no need for concern, since these visitors were in no way, causing any harm, or had any intentions, whatsoever, of causing any disruption then, or in the future. While I can’t verify the times or places or that any meeting or meetings occurred directly between Eisenhower and these visitors – because of his optimism in his farewell address in 1961, I personally believe that Eisenhower did, indeed, meet with these extraterrestrial, off world astronauts.

I hope my personal testimony will aid the nation in its quest for continued enlightenment. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of those who have come forward with their personal testimonies – those who deserve the admiration of the American people for sharing their accounts publicly, in an effort to elevate our knowledge to a higher understanding of our existence. People such as: Former Astronauts John Glenn, Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, and Buzz Aldrin. Former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. Captain Bill Uhouse of the United States Marine Corps, Lt. Col John Williams of the United States Air Force. Co Phillip Corso Sr. of the United States Army Commander. Graham Bethune of the United States Navy Along with David Hamilton of the Department of Energy Donna Hare of NASA and James Kopf of the National Security Agency. I would also like to thank the countries of: France, Brazil, Britain, Russia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, Canada, Uruguay, and Australia for also opening their files to the citizens of their countries, and allowing them access to information that is so very important to the evolution of humanity.

I thank you for allowing me this opportunity to have a small part in doing the same, by sharing the information I have given you today. Thank you very much and I’d like to thank our communications crew for helping us make this happen today. And, I’d also like to authorize distribution of this video for anyone who wants to use it for educational purposes. Thank you.

NOTE: For decades, Edwards AFB has been considered the location of this meeting. But, through statements I have collected over the years as well as other anecdotal evidence available online, I have come to the conclusion that Holloman AFB (the former Alamogordo Army Air Field) was the actual location of the encounter. In 1954, Holloman AFB was the venue for all flight research and development projects in the military. Lon


"One of the first conclusions an impartial observer must make about the subject of UFOs is that rumors and circumstance play far too great a role in what ought to be a more exacting quest for knowledge. It is just such an observation which once led Dr. Carl Sagan to comment dryly that UFOs "are more a matter for religion and superstition than they are for science."

While this dismissal is perhaps unscientific in its own right, the point is well taken. Attend any gathering of "UFO people" you want, and simply listen. Rumors abound. Perhaps worse, however, is that some of these rumors manage to circulate for years (even decades) without anyone making a reasonable effort to get to the bottom of them. One of the most persistent of these is a story that President Eisenhower visited Edwards Air Force Base in early 1954, and either viewed the bodies of dead aliens and the wreckage of their craft, or met with live aliens on some sort of diplomatic mission to earth. The story takes many forms, with the common thread being that Ike mysteriously disappeared one evening while on a vacation to Palm Springs, and that he was spirited to Edwards to view (or meet) aliens. It is said that he returned by dawn and shortly thereafter ordered absolute secrecy about anything having to do with UFOs.

No doubt one of the reasons that this particular rumor has continued to circulate for such a long time is that there are a number of verifiable facts associated with it--some of them rather curious. For example, President Eisenhower did indeed make a trip to Palm Springs between February 17th and 24th, 1954, and on the evening of Saturday, February 20th, he did disappear! When members of the press learned that the president was not where he should be, rumors ran rampant that he had either died or was seriously ill. The story even managed to get onto a press wire before being killed moments later.

To quell the fuss, White House Press Secretary James Haggerty called an urgent late evening press conference to announce "solemnly" that the president had been enjoying fried chicken earlier that evening, had knocked a cap off a tooth, and had been taken to a local dentist for treatment. When Ike turned up as scheduled the next morning for an early church service, the matter seemed ended. Although the Palm Springs trip was billed as a "vacation for the president", the trip appears to have come up rather suddenly. In addition, it is a matter of record that Ike had returned from a quail shooting vacation in Georgia less than a week before leaving for Palm Springs.

While the incidence of a local dentist being called upon to treat a President of the United States is unusual enough that it should constitute a rather memorable event for those involved, the dentist's widow, in a June, 1979 interview, was curiously unable to recall any specifics relating to her husband's alleged involvement in the affair--not even the time of day it had occurred. Yet her memory appeared flawless when asked to relate details of her and her husband's attendance (by presidential invitation) at a steak fry the following evening, where her husband was introduced as "the dentist who had treated the president." This would appear to suggest a cover story, the details of which would have easily been repeated at the time, but quite naturally forgotten 25 years later.

Research at the Eisenhower Library has uncovered two other facts inconsistent with the dentist story. The first is that while the library maintains an extensive index of records relating to the president's health, there is no record of any dental work having been performed at all during February, 1954. A file on "Dentists" contains nothing concerning any such incident either. Secondly, there is a large file containing copies of all sorts of acknowledgments which were sent by the White House to people who had something to do with the Palm Springs trip. There are letters, for example, to people who sent flowers, people who met the airplane, people who had offered to play golf, etc. There is even a thank you letter to the minister who presided over the Sunday service Ike attended. Yet there is no record of any acknowledgment having been sent to "the dentist who treated the president." If the matter were as routine as Haggerty attempts to make it appear, then the absence of these records seems strangely inconsistent. The rumor of the president's alleged visit to Edwards is not a new one.

UFO contactee fringe writers began making unsupported claims about it less than two months after Ike's trip. So did a bizarre fellow from the Hollywood hills named Gerald Light, who, in an April 16, 1954 letter to the head of a Southern California metaphysical organization, actually claimed to have been at Edwards where he saw Ike, the saucers and the aliens. Light's letter has been controversial for years and copies of it have turned up in all sorts of places, including the National Enquirer. Investigation into Mr. Light's background, however, turned up the fact that he was an elderly mystic who believed that psychic "out-of-body-experiences" were a logical extension of the reality of life and should be treated as such. In the final analysis, Light's alleged visit to Edwards was just such an experience. And so the story ends. Clearly something unusual occurred involving the president on the evening of February 20, 1954. Whether it was a trip to the dentist, a trip to see flying saucers, or something altogether different and unrelated, no one can say. It's the stuff rumors are made of."

Source & Reference: William H. Moore - Gazette, Hollywood, California, March 29, 1989

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