Monday, January 31, 2022

Never-Before-Seen Rubbery Clots

Now we start to see the consequences of the Vaccine kill shot.  That fibre may werll be graphene. It is not obviously organic..

Again we are not confirming this cause of death yet.

I do remain hopeful that only a small fraction got the kill shot, yet so far this is awful and hte real numbers are rising while been suppressed.

Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins and Arteries Filled with Never-Before-Seen Rubbery Clots

Dr Jane Ruby has her own show now on Stew Peters' Rumble channel and on Wednesday, she was joined by board-certified embalmer and funeral director, Richard Hirschman.

As part of the embalming process, the veins of the deceased are first drained of all blood. In the middle of 2021, Hirschman says he began to discover these "unnatural blood clot combinations with strange fibrous materials" completely filling the vascular system, having totally clogged all of the arteries and veins of the deceased.

"I don't know how someone could live with something like this inside of them," he says.

The cause of death for most was heart attack and stroke but he says doctors making these assessments can't see what he's seeing – and he has never seen anything like this in over 20 years of practice.

These are not simple blood clots. They're compounded with long, stringy, white, elastic structures, that he can rinse under water.

These cases began appearing about 6 months after the vaxxine rollout, which makes sense to him, as "I can't imagine something like that happening overnight."

Over time, he's gone from seeing 50% of his embalmed cases with these types of blockages rise to almost 80% and many colleagues tell him they're seeing the same thing.

"I'm very concerned for the future," he says.

"My fear is this: If this is caused by the vaccine, which my gut is telling me it is – I can't prove that – but if this is caused by the vaccine, imagine the amount of people that will be dying in the future. Because, people can't live with this kind of substance floating around in their vessels and it's amazing how many people are dying of heart attacks and stroke, lately.

"If one of these small fibrous tissues gets up into the brain, they're going to have a stroke. If it gets into your heart, it's going to lead you to a heart attack...I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but at the same time, people need to know this.

"If it is the vaxxine that's causing this, we need to stop it. Whatever this stuff is, if we can figure out what it is, then maybe we can figure out a way to dissolve these things to help save peoples' lives."

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