Monday, December 20, 2021

Congress Is About to Send the Pentagon on a Wild Flying-Saucer Chase

Only the ignorati joke about UFO's  Or about Experiencers or abductees either.  Paul Hellyer, always the gentleman, informed us that over seventy different types of aliens have a presense of this planet.  Understand he was the Canadian Minister of DEfence back when policy was been created for the Five Eyes.  He was literally the one of several folks who had a need to know.

So yes, congress is rightly demanding this reporting problem be fully addressed.  Will they stop telling us fairy tales?  They actyually got away with pulling our chains for over eighty years.

Stop it already.

Congress Is About to Send the Pentagon on a Wild Flying-Saucer Chase

Jason Colavito/December 14, 2021

The long lobbying campaign of a handful of UFO obsessives and crank pseudoscientists is finally paying off.


The upcoming defense spending bill includes funding for a Pentagon UFO office, cooked up by New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

Six months after the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, or ODNI, delivered a report to Congress that failed to explain more than 140 reports of unidentified flying objects—mostly because no one in government tried all that hard to explain them—Congress is set to approve legislation to create a new office within the Pentagon tasked with investigating military UFO sightings. The new office will gather reports of sightings, analyze them, and deliver reports to Congress on the subject at intervals. At least that’s the aspect of this decision on which the legislators who pushed for the new office want the public to focus. Underneath the surface, Congress is about to require the Pentagon to get weird. Very weird. Like, imaginary crashed-saucer wreckage weird.

It’s beyond doubt that people see strange things in the sky. It’s also quite likely that there is no single explanation for these oddities. So-called “unidentified aerial phenomena,” as the government now calls UFOs, are likely a combination of natural and human-made objects along with a strong dash of people misinterpreting what they see under the influence of more than a century of alien-themed science fiction. Investigating individual military sightings should be encouraged; uncovering whether some of these perhaps represent adversaries’ efforts to spy on America should be an obvious counterintelligence step. That doesn’t justify leaping to conclusions about superhuman technology or alien invasion, particularly when reasonable explanations have been proposed for nearly all the allegedly incredible sightings. 

[ Absurd as usual.We have in excess of 100,000 eyeballed sightings.  We are not even describing mere lights in the sky either.  arclein ]

The 15 pages of section 1638 of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, are largely based on proposals sponsored by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Representative Ruben Gallego. The final text adopted by the two chambers of Congress incorporates most of Gillibrand’s ideas for a Pentagon UFO office, which range from the sensible to the fantastical. Gillibrand praised herself for taking on the mantle of the government’s chief UFO-hunter, telling Politico, “I’m getting the coolest-mom jersey for sure this year” and joking that a congressional meeting with space alien ambassadors “is coming.”

Joking aside, senators like Gillibrand, Marco Rubio, and Roy Blunt have long claimed that the UFO issue is serious, though their reasoning tends to slide around, the more you probe. Gillibrand has a laundry list of concerns, from the potential national security threat of advanced adversarial technology to the need to give military pilots “a voice” that she believes has been silenced by ridicule.

What remains missing in the discussion is evidence. Previous government UFO investigations turned up no evidence of a national security threat, but this year’s ODNI report changed the equation by asserting that UFOs pose a flight safety risk (mostly due to pilots becoming distracted) and concluding that if UFOs represent advanced technology from a foreign adversary, then they would be a national security risk. They just don’t have much in the way of proof. “We currently lack data to indicate any UAP are part of a foreign collection program or indicative of a major technological advancement by a potential adversary,” the report wrote.

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