Saturday, September 18, 2021

Where Have All the People Gone?

The best explanation is that they have been driven largely back into their holes and certainly no longer head downtown.  Still a ghost town there.

I am not seeing extra deaths around my personal networks.  They are all still there except we are not meeting up much.

We have actually jumped ahead a decade in terms of our work environments.  suddenly it makes far more sense to relegate face time to Zoom and do the physical part of the workload at home.  The office can provide nothing you need.

Better yet, we have all discovered that we get four productive hours, a goodly break and then perhaps two more real productive hours at best.  This gets the work out.  what we deftly lose is the daily commute, excess preparation time and idle chatter with co workers.  All this adds up to lots of time at best.  It also adds up to real car costs for most. 

The new regime, which was unfolding slowly adds two to five hours of me time for everyone.  So that is where the people have gone.  They are now taking care of ME.

Where Have All the People Gone? Americans Are Starting To Notice Less Crowded Streets And Higher 

Wages For General Labor

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 15-Sep-2021 03:45:52

I've written about this before, and it has been posted here and other sites. I discovered this strange phenomenon when there was an article on a well known business site showing unemployment statistics and jobs available. It revealed that there were several hundred thousand more jobs available than workers available! This was the opposite of what it should have been after a major slow down of the economy.

Doing my own calculations with the actual dead from the pandemic and the Covid shot deaths, I concluded that between 600,000 to 1 million have died and no longer available for work positions in the USA. The lack of skilled workers for those positions is why the employers are desperate to find workers and are offering higher hourly rates now. The going rate for fast food, Walmart and Home Depot is $17+ an hour, and the positions are going unfilled! Many cafes have shut down for lack of workers. GE

Here are just a small sample of comments from others that have noticed the same thing:

Have Millions of People Died/Disappeared?

Same here, everyone is asking where are all the people? How are they surviving not working? All the restaurants are closing even Chic-filA, Starbucks, many long time beloved restaurants. We're talking 1000's of workers. People are starting to wake up and ask where they are but no one has any answers.

How are so many places understaffed when unemployment and eviction moratoriums are gone?
I don’t believe that many people are suddenly hiding now because of Covid and not working just waiting to get evicted. Even fast food is paying $15($17 in my town) an hour in states where it’s not the mandatory minimum wage - and heroic grocery store workers stayed on the job at the height of the fear pandemic.

Why would all those people not be working now? What are all these mysterious ‘better jobs’ they left for?

Are the supply shortages really because so many people are MIA?

This is exactly what I've been asking.

Seems like a whole lot of people are missing.
Like half the population of my state

Everyone is like, they moved onto a better job.... umm what better jobs, McDonalds needs people so bad it is paying $20 hr. If it gets any higher I am switching from science to the drive thru.

I was just about to ask if people had noticed empty apartment buildings or neighborhoods thinning out.
It’s just so odd when you think about all the missing people and Blackrock/Vanguard buying up so many houses. Are they doing that to cover for missing people?
Where are all the people who are supposedly selling their houses moving?

My brother said the same thing. He said outside at parks where a lot of people (used to go) with their dogs and or children. Nearly Empty city parks in summertime ... SURREAL.

As many as 20 million at once in china

My mom said everyone moved to Florida.

I don't know.

A lot did but we are talking 10s of millions missing persons across the usa.

The ABC post on FB had over 38,000 comments, with many people citing two or more people who have died from shots or are disabled and will likely die form the heart issues. I would think that even counting for family and friends reporting the same person, the real number of dead just from that post is well over 30,000.

My gut tells me it is over 100,000 in the US and Canada who have died from the jabs. (this is quite possible)

I wonder how many we are looking at? What was the real number in China? What is the real number in the UK and France? Why won't they let their citizens leave the country?

According to friends in Florida, despite all the new transplants, it still feels empty.

Wow, I read through almost the entire thread and I'm slightly shaken and a bit rattled by what I've been reading. I've been wondering, to myself, where are all the people? I live in a huge city but there are few cars on the street.

I will admit that we have been cooped up in our house since March of 2020. My husband and I are 70ish and not in the best health. So, have not been going out much. We get our groceries delivered and order supplies online. It's becoming more and more surreal for me. There's this over-riding feeling that we are in an age of epochal change.

So, I'm trying to decide: Where are the people?
What the hell is going to finally happen?
Are we stuck in our own Groundhog Day movie?

Source and discussions:

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