Friday, September 10, 2021

Nursing baby died with blood clots, inflamed arteries following mother’s Pfizer shot, VAERS report says

What is going on here?  So far the vaccine has been used asd a carrier for spike proteins, but that may werll be misdirection.  In fact presume misdirection in all the stories peddled unless you can show otherwise.

right now we suspect Bambeosis, a malaria like paracite is added prior to sterilization allowing failed sterilization to act as a switch to infect people.  The symptons are the same and it is treated by the pallette of antimalarial drugs such as quinine and invermectin.

We are also hearing about graphene oxide which is also been added.  The bad news is that i am very knowledgible about what this means.  It means we are working with nano particle sized graphite.  In 1991 i was working with nano sized carbon particles that were historically used to produce an artificial blood replacement.  I came to understand that such a small particle could roll up a large organic molecule allowing skin penetration.  Safe enough, but plausibly not as well

Now we are playing with small chips of graphene and please imagine small chips of glass.  Absolutely the last thing we should ever be injecting into the blood stream and the reports coming in conform to my own knowledge.

This will settle into the circulatory system and weaken it and produce small blood clots.  Most adults appear to be shaking it off for now, but further jabs will shift those numbers.  Only a sick shit would put this in a baby.  This is the real kill shot.

Nursing baby died with blood clots, inflamed arteries following mother’s Pfizer shot, VAERS report says

The case is the second known account of a breastfeeding baby dying.


Mon Sep 6, 2021 - 9:46 am EDT

(LifeSiteNews) – A six-week-old breastfeeding baby became inexplicably ill with a high fever after his mother received a COVID-19 vaccine and he died weeks later with blood clots in his “severely inflamed arteries,” according to a vaccine adverse event report filed with the U.S. government.

An unidentified 36-year-old woman from New Mexico said she received a first dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 jab on June 4, 2021 when she was breastfeeding her six-week-old infant son, according to a report filed with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

“On July 17, my baby passed away,” says the report, which first appeared on VAERS August 13, 2021.
Blood clots, inflamed arteries

The baby boy became “very sick with a high fever” on June 21 when he was treated with intravenous antibiotics for two weeks in hospital for what was assumed to be a bacterial infection.

The VAERS report says that hospital tests “never found any specific bacteria,” and called his diagnosis “culture-negative sepsis.” It states that at the end of his two-week hospital stay he tested positive for rhinovirus and was sent home.

At home, the baby developed further symptoms over the following week, including a swollen eyelid, “strange rashes” and vomiting. His mother returned him to the hospital July 15 when he was diagnosed with “atypical Kawasaki disease”

The Mayo Clinic describes Kawasaki disease as a condition primarily affecting children which causes swelling (inflammation) in the walls of medium-sized arteries throughout the body. Coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle tend to be most affected, but the disease can also affect lymph nodes that swell during an infection as well as the membranes inside the mouth, nose and throat.

Most cases of Kawasaki disease are “usually treatable and most children recover from Kawasaki disease without serious problems,” according to the Mayo Clinic website.

After the baby was returned to hospital on July 15, he “passed away shortly thereafter from clots in his severely inflamed arteries,” states the VAERS report which inaccurately lists the mother’s age, 36 years, for the age of the deceased.

Few other details about the case are provided. His mother reports that he had been born three weeks early when she developed appendicitis.

In the report to the vaccine adverse event system, she questioned the role of the vaccine in her baby’s death. “I am curious if the spike protein could have gone through the breast milk and caused an inflammatory response in my child. They say Kawasaki disease presents very similarly to the Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in children that they are seeing in post Covid infections,” she said.

“However, if they know that antibodies go through the breastmilk as a good thing, then why wouldn’t the spike protein also go through the breastmilk and potentially cause problems.”

Spike protein in breastmilk?

In May, Canadian vaccine researcher and viral immunologist Byram Bridle, of the University of Guelph, Ontario, warned listeners of a podcast that nursing babies whose mothers had been vaccinated were at risk of getting COVID spike proteins from her breast milk.

Bridle cited a Pfizer “biodistribution study” of the lipid nanoparticle carrier in its vaccine which showed that the ingredients did not stay near the injection site in the arm muscle as intended, but unexpectedly dispersed to organs throughout the body.

If in a real-life scenario, these lipoproteins would release mRNA which would cause cells wherever they were taken up to produce spike proteins. Spike proteins themselves have been identified as the pathogenic agents of disease in COVID-19.

Bridle also cited a recent study which detected SARS-CoV-2 protein in the blood plasma of 11 of 13 young healthcare workers that had received Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, including three with detectable levels of spike protein. A “subunit” protein called S1, part of the spike protein, was also detected.

Bridle said that “any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk,” and “we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” in VAERS.

One VAERS report describes a five-month-old breastfed infant whose mother received a second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine in March. The following day, the baby developed a rash and became “inconsolable,” refused to nurse, and developed a fever. The report says the baby was hospitalized with a diagnosis of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, a rare blood disorder in which blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body. The baby died.

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