Thursday, September 23, 2021

Contemplating the META VERSE

This is a short review of THE SEA WE SWIM IN.  It joins many references to the Metaverse MEME.

Let me add something to this discussion.  We experience a 3D existence, but it is possible that higher dimensionality may exist at least in order to contain 3D objects such as wormholes.  That is as close as we now get theoretically and it is a mathematical convenience.

We do live in a real METAVERSE.  Understand that every observed Galaxy is a separate creation of a unique Unverse.  They are separated by creation which establishes an internal clock whose operation is not mathematical infinity.  Thus the 3D objects \we observe as Galaxies are in fact universes whose light component has rumbled off to as far as it is possible to see while the #D component has merely filled a galaxy.

For decades, experts from many fields—psychologists, economists, advertising and marketing executives—failed to register the power of narrative. Scientists thought stories were frivolous. Economists were knee-deep in theory. Marketers just wanted to cut to the sales pitch. Yet stories, not reasoning, are the key to persuasion.

The message Frank Rose sends in THE SEA WE SWIM IN: How Stories Work in a Data-Driven World (W. W. Norton & Company; June 29, 2021), is eliminate the data and boring numbers and focus on the story and the impact it has on the audience. He offers a practical guide to “narrative thinking,” and why it matters in a world that’s defined and increasingly governed by data. Rose also recounts his visit to a "Virtual Reality parlor" in London where the computer-generated universe is paving the way for the development of a Metaverse.

Frank Rose is available for interviews starting Tuesday, October 5, 2021. I would love to get you a copy of THE SEA WE SWIM IN and schedule an interview with Mr. Rose. If you are interested, please respond with how you want the book – PPF &/or hard copy (with mailing address) and a date/time for the interview.

In interviews, Rose can discuss:

Is the Metaverse a dystopian nightmare or the future that Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg predicts it will be?

Whether we’re aware of it or not, stories determine how we view the world and our place in it. That means the tools of professional storytellers—character, world, detail, voice —can unlock a way of thinking that’s ideal for our lives when we no longer passively consume media but instead actively participate in it.

Building on insights from cognitive psychology and neuroscience, Rose explains how to see the world in a story to be told that prompts an emotional response or reaction from the audience. Leading brands and top entertainment professionals already understand the vast potential of storytelling. In interviews, Mr. Rose can discuss the success behind such brands as Dollar Shave Club, MailChimp. Warby Parker and entertainment franchises such as The Walking Dead and Pulp Fiction.

All my very best,

Johanna J. Ramos-Boyer | JRB Communications, LLC for W.W. Norton | Office: 703-646-5137 |Cell: 703-400-1099 | Briana Caywood, Publicity Assistant | Office: 703-646-5188

NOTE: We are working from the office.


Frank Rose is the author of The Sea We Swim In and The Art of Immersion, a landmark book on tech and narrative. A former contributing editor at Wired and contributing writer at Fortune, he now teaches global business executives as faculty director of Columbia

University’s Strategic Storytelling seminar and heads the Digital Dozen awards program at Columbia’s pioneering Digital Storytelling Lab.

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