Thursday, July 22, 2021

Phosphene detected on Venus.

This discovery of phosphene where it should not be conforms to anerobic life cycling in the upper atmosphere of Venus.  That is the working protocol and it should be provable once we find a way to sample it all.

So yes it will be possible to prove life exists on Venus.

At least we now have a good reason to produce a balloon system for that sampling trip to Venus.  Perhaps even an airship to allow live crews.

This also goes a long way to confiming the panspermia  conjecture.  disacated living anerobic cells allow transportation from planet to planet and star to star even.  And every star may well have a halo of such cells waiting for theior opportunity.

Venus Clouds May Already Have Possible Alien Life, Claim Scientists

Updated on Sep 15, 2020, 11:35 IST


Astronomers have found potential signs of life in the atmosphere of our neighbour planet, Venus

The discovery was made by two telescopes in Hawaii and Chile, which spotted the thick Venusian clouds of the planet possessing the chemical signature of phosphine -- a gas that is associated with life on our planet

The discovery doesn’t satisfy the “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” rule established by the legendary astronomer Carl Sagan who had first hinted about the possibility of life on Venus back in year 1967

Study co-author David Clements, an astrophysicist from the Imperial College in London states, "It's not a smoking gun. It's not even gunshot residue on the hands of your prime suspect, but there is a distinct whiff of cordite in the air which may be suggestive

Whenever we hear about new planets being discovered or new stars and galaxies that are seen never before, to surface and awe astronomers, one thought surely comes to our mind -- does it have life in it? Are we no longer alone?

And now, researchers have found some more answers to this dilemma; well sort of.

Astronomers have found potential signs of life in the atmosphere of our neighbour planet, Venus. The discovery was made by two telescopes in Hawaii and Chile, which spotted the thick Venusian clouds of the planet possessing the chemical signature of phosphine -- a gas that is associated with life on our planet.

Reported first by AP, the study authors do state that as groundbreaking as this discovery is, it is far from the first proof of life in the galaxy. The discovery doesn’t satisfy the “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” rule established by the legendary astronomer Carl Sagan who had first hinted about the possibility of life on Venus back in year 1967.

Study co-author David Clements, an astrophysicist from the Imperial College in London states, "It's not a smoking gun. It's not even gunshot residue on the hands of your prime suspect, but there is a distinct whiff of cordite in the air which may be suggesting something."

When you look at phosphine on Earth, it can be formed in two ways -- either through man-made processes or through animals and microbes. According to Clements, “It is naturally found in ooze at the bottom of the ponds, in the guts of some creatures like badgers and perhaps most unpleasantly associated with piles of penguin guano." On Venus, they looked for processes causing this (including lightning strikes, volcanoes, meteorites etc.) and as per their data, none of the aforementioned occurrences could have caused such a spike in phosphine levels.

Life on Venus?

Now we’ve known Venus to be this inhospitable planet with poisonous gases that’s toxic to its core. So it’s only surprising that life has managed to grow in these conditions. Astronomers feel that this creation of life has not occurred on the surface, but around 50 kilometres high in the atmosphere -- specifically in the thick CO2 layer cloud deck where temperatures aren’t as hot as below.

According to researchers, the phosphine could be released from some single-celled microbes inside sulfuric acid droplets who are living their life in 16-kilometre deep clouds.

When the droplet falls, the life in it would probably dry out and then be absorbed by another drop, resulting in a never-ending cycle. They do caution that while there is a possibility that life exists on Venus, more solid evidence is needed to truly support the claim.

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