Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Media Matters

We have heard of Media Matters and their tactics. It appears to be a Marxist funded tool for censuring opposition.

To a Marxist, only they are allowed to have free speech.

This item gives us a taste. yet it is a tip oxf their iceberg


Media Matters: Andrew Breitbart’s Attack on Critical Race Theory ‘Appears to be Working’

David Horowitz Freedom Center

Media Matters for America, the George Soros-funded smear machine that lies about conservative media, whined Thursday that the late Andrew Breitbart’s prescient 2012 criticism of Critical Race Theory “appears to be working” this time around.

Media Matters’ Spencer Silva wrote Thursday that today’s backlash currently sweeping across America against the Marxist ideological weapon known as Critical Race Theory (CRT) began with conservative media revolutionary Breitbart drawing attention to the doctrine as far back as 2012, the year of his untimely death.

At that time, Breitbart News founder Andrew Breitbart had linked then-President Barack Obama with Harvard Law professor Derrick Bell, the race-mongering anti-American “godfather” of CRT, whom Obama admired.

Silva recalls: “As Joel Pollak, then-editor-in-chief of Breitbart News, would tell CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, ‘Derrick Bell is the Jeremiah Wright of academia. He passed away last year, but during his lifetime, he developed a theory called critical race theory which holds that the civil rights movement was a sham and that white supremacy is the order and it must be overthrown.’”

Silva claims that Breitbart’s “smear attempt” — i.e., his warning about a president whose radical beliefs had been ignored by the media — failed. But now, he says, “[r]ight-wing media and activists, as well as their peers at conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the Manhattan Institute, seem to know exactly what they are doing because they have dusted off the same playbook from 2012.”

He concludes: “Nearly a decade later, Breitbart News’ failed smear of critical race theory is back — and this time it appears to be working.”

It’s working not because conservative think tanks are ginning up a “smear” about CRT, but because Americans themselves are waking up to the truth about the left’s weaponization of race and their subversive, Marxist agenda.

Media Matters for America (MMFA)
59 Known Connections

Media Matters’ Influence on the Obama Administration

A February 2012 Daily Caller exposé revealed that Media Matters had “regular contact with political operatives” inside the Obama White House, in part through its weekly strategy calls with members of the administration. In June 2010, for instance, David Brock and Media Matters president Eric Burns met at the White House with Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett and the President’s former communications director, Anita Dunn, who had recently (in November 2009) stepped down from that post amid controversy. Dunn, for her part, parroted Media Matters’ claim that Fox News is “more a wing of the Republican Party” than a media outlet. When Fox News host Glenn Beck had accurately revealed, in 2009, Dunn’s self-professed admiration for Mao Zedong, Media Matters condemned the broadcaster for what it called his “ridiculous smear of Anita Dunn.”

Collaborating with NOW, Against Rush Limbaugh

In early May 2012, Media Matters and the National Organization for Women held a secret, narrowly focused strategy session to brainstorm ways of getting the conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh off the air. According to Media Matters online outreach director Jay Carmona, the key would be to target Limbaugh’s advertisers in local radio markets. “[M]ost local station affiliates make the bulk of their profit off of these local advertising dollars,” said Carmona, “so targeting your local advertisers really is how you get those local stations to drop Rush.”

To learn more about Media Matters, click on the profile link above.

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