Saturday, February 13, 2021

Greta Thunberg Triggers Criminal Investigation In India After Twitter Debacle

It is not too remarkable, but the NWO CABAL  or the DEEP STATE makes a practise of feeding in virgins as front men.  A visible track record is thus either unavailable or ill advised.  Just how many inspired teenage boys do we really have in the Silicon valley.

This way the folks you want and need  can function outside media scrutiny.  Thus we have an obvious autistic zero as a sudden front for the global warming MEME.  Since this is all a propaganda campaign, it is inevitable that message bullit points will be created and distributed.

Sending out the list to the wrong place has now caught the attention of the Indian police whose government is no friend of this nonsense as well.

An actual felony conviction for lies will work wonderfully to shut this gag down as all further  communications can be linked to a felony reference.


Greta Thunberg Triggers Criminal Investigation In India After Twitter Debacle


SATURDAY, FEB 06, 2021 - 6:28

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg sparked a criminal police investigation in India after she accidentally tweeted - and quickly deleted - a cheat-sheet of "Suggested Posts" regarding the ongoing violent farmers' revolt, according to the NY Post, while the list was archived by Breaking 911.

Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg posted a document to Twitter containing tweets that she was told to post and actions she should take regarding the current protests in India. She quickly deleted the tweet.— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 3, 2021

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The "toolkit" of suggested content gave a series of tips on what to post, and asks the 18-year-old Thunberg to repost and tag celebrities - including pop star Rihanna.

why aren’t we talking about this?! #FarmersProtest— Rihanna (@rihanna) February 2, 2021

The "toolkit" also shared and suggested publicizing planned demonstrations at Indian embassies.

The campaign material and social media template was created by Canada’s Poetic Justice Foundation, which claims to be a grassroots group creating “events to provoke, challenge and disrupt systemic inequities and biases,” Times Now said. The group’s website confirms it is “most actively involved in the #FarmersProtest.”

The group then shared to Facebook a series of screenshots of the posts it appears to have gotten celebrities to share. -NY Post

After deleting the original "toolkit," Thunberg then shared a supposedly newer version along with the message "We stand in solidarity with the #FarmersProtest in India."

Tens of thousands of farmers have gathered at the fringes of India's capital to protest new agricultural laws which they say strip them of income and at the mercy of corporations. On Jan. 26, India's Republic Day, the farmers led a violent clash where hundreds of police officers were injured and a protester died. Several farmers were also injured.

Indian officials are not happy.

In a rare statement, India's foreign ministry accused "foreign individuals" and celebrities of "sensationalism" and "trying to enforce their agenda," while Deli police on Thursday confirmed that a criminal case had been launched against the creators of the "Toolkit document" shared by Thunberg.

"The call was to wage economic, social, cultural and regional war against India," said police of the activists.

The force filed a First Information Report (FIR) — a preliminary formal investigation — with a specialist cyber-crimes squad leading the investigation, according to NDTV.

Numerous Indian newspapers and TV stations initially reported that a FIR had also been filed against Thunberg herself. However, Delhi Special Commissioner of Police Praveer Ranjan later clarified that nobody had been identified and that the probe was looking into those behind the toolkit, Indian news agency ANI said. -NY Post

The official investigation is focusing on the 'spreading of disaffection' against the Indian government, promoting hatred and criminal conspiracy.

According to VK Singh, a government minister, Thunberg's deleted tweet "revealed the real designs of a conspiracy at an international level against India."

."Instructions were laid out clearly as to the ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘what,'" wrote Singh, who added "Conspiracies at this scale often get exposed and ultimately it took the hasty tweet of Greta, who with other international celebrities suddenly turned sensitive towards farmer issues."

The conspiracy against India lies exposed. This needs to be investigated and the guilty should be held accountable.#IndiaAgainstPropaganda #IndiaTogether #TheEnemyWithin #AxisOfEvil #GenerallySaying— Vijay Kumar Singh (@Gen_VKSingh) February 4, 2021

Bollywood actors are now telling Thunberg and Rihanna to mind their own business - with actress Kangana Ranaut calling the farmers "terrorists," and Rihanna a "fool" for asking her 100 million Twitter followers: "Why aren't we talking about this?"

On Thursday morning, Thunberg tweeted "I still #StandWithFarmers and support their peaceful protest," adding "No amount of hate, threats or violations of human rights will ever change that.”

I still #StandWithFarmers and support their peaceful protest.
No amount of hate, threats or violations of human rights will ever change that. #FarmersProtest— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) February 4, 2021

We wonder if the creators of the toolkit she instigated a criminal investigation against have the luxury of such open defiance.

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to farmer protest in India, I recall what is becoming a long standing perversion of "Just - Us".
    Wikipedia : Farmer suicides in India refers to the national catastrophe of farmers committing suicide since the 1990s, often by drinking pesticides, due to their inability to repay loans mostly taken from landlords and banks. The National Crime Records Bureau of India reported that a total 296,438 Indian farmers had committed suicide since 1995
    This is part and parcel of the patenting of seeds and development of plant varieties which do not produce their own seeds and also those which are not killed by pesticides. Monsanto is pushing this practice globally, so that there is more misery in Africa and the USA. I recall articles on this problem being posted on the Care 2 website years ago, an apparently unstoppable juggernaut of legalized robbery.
    Certainly I am no fan of Thunberg and climate alarm nutters, but there is more to this than a Twitter scandal and policing problems.
