Friday, February 19, 2021

China’s Chief Epidemiologist Admits COVID-19 Virus was Never Proven to Exist

This is the one guy who knows what the science dug up.  He is explicit.  They discovered zip.  at some point it is necessary to understand no virus.

What we do have is evidence conforming to a babeosis infection acting as the likely mortality driver.

At least we have a biological scenario that also conforms to our parasitic treatment approach..

China’s Chief Epidemiologist Admits COVID-19 Virus was Never Proven to Exist

NBC News

FIRST VIDEO: Dr. Wu Zunyou, the Chief Epidemiologist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, was interviewed by a reporter last month who asked why the data from the Wuhan market has not been released for public examination, and he replied: “They didn’t isolate the virus, that is the issue.”

SECOND VIDEO: Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains that, if the virus was never isolated, it cannot be said with certainty that it is not something else, which means it is possible that it doesn’t even exist. To isolate a virus, it is necessary to collect lung or other body fluid and to separate the virus in it from everything else. Typically, it is filtered, centrifuged, and examined under a microscope to confirm it’s unique characteristics. No one has ever succeeded in doing this with COVID-19. -GEG

This following NBC News report includes Dr. Wu Zunyou, the Chief Epidemiologist of China’s CDC. When asked why Wuhan data was never shared, he admitted: “They didn’t isolate the virus. That’s the issue.”

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In the following video, Dr. Andrew Kaufman is interviewed by Del Bigtree. His comments are an excellent short course on the risks of Covid Tests and Vaccines. Be prepared for a deep dive into concepts and dogma that are seldom discussed but which are critical to disease control. (Explanation of what is required to prove that a pathogen causes a disease begins at 8:29)

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