Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Timeline of Joe Biden's Corruption

This has been going  on beginning in 1997.  Twenty years of expanding corruption.  It is clearly a criminal business plan.

None of these guys ended up as independent agents but as CCP operatives.  Knowing the blackmail undertaken, it is obvious these folks cannot reject an order.  Part of the reason that they have been all play acting for months is exactly this.  Trump has it all.

According to sources, Trump has it all for all world leaders as well.  The clean up is not just about the USA.  All that is missing is the end game for the CCP.  Perhaps a flash bang from outer space for their convention now underway?

Timeline of Joe Biden's Corruption

I've uploaded some videos from Miles Guo's site, which are of interest because they're produced by Chinese dissidents.


Our investigation found that although Joe Biden has never been an honest person and his private life has been criticized by people, Biden didn't collude with the CCP since the beginning.

His early comments were hawkish. So, when did Biden's attitude toward the CCP begin to change? In our opinion, since 1997, when Biden became a ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), he became a target of CCP infiltration.

Any SFRC member would be valuable as an intelligence asset or for swinging policy favorably toward a foreign country.

According to a senior financial expert in China, at the political level, the person directly responsible for influencing Biden was the former Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Yangji Chi.

At a business level, China's route was via Michael Lin, a Taiwanese national who graduated from Yale in 1991 and the moved to China, where he worked for the politically-connected SOE Founder Group in Beijing.

Together with James Bulger, the son of longterm Massachussetts Senator William Bulger, they founded Thornton Group, LLC in 2007, which acted as a government relations consultancy in the US and China. Throughout the history of Thornton, we find that this company is just a front company without any actual record of successful deals. But since Thornton was founded, Lin has been arranging high-level meetings between China and the United States, as public relations consultant.

Many meetings were confidential. This shows that Michael Lin's actual identity is as a spy agent of the CCP.

January 2009, Biden became the 47th US Vice President and Kerry replaced Biden as SFRC Chairman. With Biden and Kerry holding top US policy and foreign policy-related positions, their associates [i.e children] were targeted by the CCP.

Between April 7th and 9th, 2010, Hunter was introduced by Lin to China's most powerful government-controlled financial institutions. This trip opens the process of Hunter Biden logging into the BHR.

On August 17th, 2011, Joe Biden visited China for a 5-day trip. He held talks with Xi, then Chinese Vice President. This is an important meeting. The corrupt alliance between Joe Biden and Chairman Xi began. Three days later, Biden delivered a speech at Sichuan University where he said: "It is in our self-interest that China continue to prosper."

Obviously, Biden's attitude toward China at this time is completely different from his attitude during the Clinton administration.

A few months after Biden's Sichuan trip, Devon Archer (Kerry's former campaign chairman) and Michael Lin worked with a large state-owned Sichuan chemical company to set up a large potash deal for Prospect Global, a US-listed company at the time. The deal was touted as the largest potash export contract in US history.

However, that deal never materialized and Prospect Global was de-listed 2 years later. It no longer appears to be in business. But through this transaction, Devon Archer received a commission of $3 million. The share price and millions of dollars of capital flowed into Biden and Kerry's related entities.

On February 1st, 2013, Kerry Became the 68th Secretary of State while in the same year, Joe, Hunter and Naomi visited China together. The result of this trip was the establishment of BHR. All Chinese shareholders are large state-owned enterprises. Since the establishment of BHR, Hunter Biden has officially become the front office agent of Joe Biden and the CCP.

Dirty money, involving billions of dollars or more was sent to the Biden family through the global money-laundering network established by the CCP. In return, Joe Biden kept betraying American interests, betraying allies and cooperating with Xi Jinping's government to eradicate dissidents.

Starting with the next episode, we will elaborate on the facts of financial crimes between the Biden family and the CCP since the establishment of BHR. Many powerful people people are involved.

Running Time: 6 mins


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