Saturday, October 31, 2020

For God and Country || James O'Brien

This is a recap of what we have all been understanding.  It is real folks. what i find noteworthy is that public arrests have been held off until after the election.  We all know they are guilty.  

Obvious placeholders are staying the course as well.  Yet all today are tightly controlled.  It must be awful knowing your life is over and then going through the motions.

It is now end game.  It is ironic they were able to mirror the fake dossier with the confirmed laptop from HELL.

180,000 sealed indictments.   Today we saw Jack Dorsey sporting a years growth of beard.  New Style at GITMO?

For God and Country || James O'Brien

Operation Disclosure | By James O'Brien, Contributing Writer

October 29, 2020

Sometimes, it seems so obvious even a grade-schooler could figure it out, and I'm sure that many of them have to date. But apparently, some small part of the population hasn't yet, and that's okay. This is a process.

The Russian Delusion investigations failed. The Impeachment scam failed. Every other attack they could level on him failed. Trump was riding a wave of historic economic prosperity right into his second term...

Enter C19. Where did it come from? China. Who is in bed with the CCP as now extensively revealed via open source in the laptop from hell? Why yes, of course, the [B]idens. They have been paid off and compromised to the tenth power. It is treason in the clearest of all possible terms. I think some zoo primates could solve this one, as long as they weren't pumping MSNBC and CNN into their cages. But I digress...

Their aim was to crash the economy, put us all on lockdown and blame the deaths on Trump. Then throw a bad vaccine in the mix as a chaser. They have been non-stop promoting their inaccurate mortality figures, wherein individuals with other major morbidity issues are all falsely attributed as C0vid deaths. And the hospitals cash in on it, too. They are not all angels in that environment, because money can corrupt even those that have promised to heal us. Then Democrat Governors like Cuomo sent people with C0vid back into nursing homes, knowing full well that locale was the most vulnerable.

These people have no conscience. They will sacrifice anything and any number of people to get back power. They will use any tool at their disposal, no matter how evil. But it didn't work, did it? C0vid has the same numbers as the flu, which it conveniently replaced worldwide. The flu is now down 98%, so it is quite clear that they piggybacked that virus all the way to a world shutdown, with the complicity of the corrupt media and compromised governors and other leaders.

However, the Trump Alliance responded perfectly, because we have their playbook. [B]iden is this very day (and those to come) being annihilated by revelations that have been open sourced onto the internet, exactly like [H]illary [C]linton was in 2016 with the Wikileaks information.

It wasn't Russia that hacked the DNC in 2016, it was Bernie Sanders-supporting DNC staffer Seth Rich, who got the files to [J]ulian [A]ssange and was subsequently murdered. So, in an interesting way, we have the Democrat party that rigged the primaries against Sanders to thank in great part for the Trump victory in 2016.

Fast forward to 2020 and history is repeating itself with China Joe this time, but to much greater effect. If you think this is all just a conspiracy, you are likely only getting your news from the compromised mainstream media, the very last stop on the truth train. The files from the [H]unter [B]iden drive are being channeled directly to the internet, and being poured over by citizens all across the world. We are doing the press's job now for them and they cannot stop us.

[J]oe [B]iden is a national security threat at the highest level. Thankfully, he's been systematically destroyed before this election even gets to the finish line. The timing is perfect. We don't want him to drop out and it's far too late now to replace him. Big Tech and most of the media has censored the story, but that doesn't matter. An end zone run was done around them.

In 2016, another political criminal [H]illary [C]linton tried to project her treasonous uranium dealings with Russia on Trump with the Russian collusion smear. It didn't get her into office. She got shut down in that election by the voters, and not by Russia.

And just like [C]linton, [B]iden has major, major problems with the 'crime against children' that came out in the Weiner 'insurance files.' Are you seeing a pattern here? Few know that [B]iden owns an island just a hop, skip and a jump from Epstein's notorious former pedo island.

Whither Epstein now? He was a primary founder of the [C]linton Foundation. If [H]illary would have won in 2016 his power would have increased exponentially, along with those who funded him and his honeypot operation. Yet, under the Trump Admin, he was wiped off the map, quite literally. He joins that ignominious roll call with a record number of human [traffic]kers and ped[o]philes arrested under Trump. I still don't get why they call it ped[o]philia. The love of children? You have to hate children to do that to them.

This is far bigger than just politics. These sick people are finished in terms of worldly power. What you are now seeing is the gradual stage play revelations of their activity. If the average person had this information delivered to them all at once they might have a heart attack from shock. All efforts have been exhausted to protect the children first. The rest follows in a progression that will minimize public chaos. There will be some street chaos, of course, but this has been planned for well in advance.

So, it has been drip, drip, drip with the public dissemination of information. Much of the battle has been fought behind the scenes, though there have been obvious and noted victories, like the recent Supreme Court appointment. This has been a worldwide operation of almost unimaginable magnitude, draining the Swamp at every level, including the places like the Vatican, which had far more power than many might recognize. There were blackmailed agents at every strata of the political, legal, and intelligence systems. Our own FBI has had the [B]iden laptop for almost a year now. There are a great many compromised individuals in the system that stand to lose everything if their crimes come to light. This includes some Hollywood celebrities, entertainers and even sporting figures. There's a reason they scream all the time like lunatics about Trump. Their gooses are cooked if he stays in office and the laws are enforced to the letter. Check out the flight logs to Epstein's pedo island. A lot of very well known figures are on that list. Bad things happened on that island. Death penalty bad for some of them.

These people, particularly the politicos, will make any alliance required to stay out of prison. Communist China is a notable ally. China owns a great deal of Hollywood and other entities like the NBA. I imagine whoever cuts your check owns you in a sense, so it's no surprise to see players like Lebron James speak out so vehemently against Trump. And it has nothing to do with 'black lives mattering' because Trump has been a great champion of that community ever since he was sworn in. The 2020 election will strongly reflect that reality.

This election is more like a referendum, a litmus test of sorts for both the country and everyone as individuals. The outcome has already been secured. We have the numbers and no amount of voter fraud can change that. In a close election, fraud can steer it one way or another, but not in a landslide.

So, the question is really up to you. Where do you stand at this juncture in history? Have you done your research beyond the mainstream outlets you favor? Have you well and truly looked into the absurdly obvious Biden corruption that is being slipstreamed into the actual mainstream at a steady and ever-growing current? Or have you rested comfortably with your old delusions, seeking to maintain your cherished ego pride that you were right all along about Orange Man Bad?

The Trump Alliance cares deeply about the people of China. They deserve their freedom as much as any American does. But it's like in the airplane oxygen mask scenario. You put your own oxygen mask on first before you try to save anyone else. The Chinese citizens despise their CCP, just like US patriots despise our [D]eep [S]tate, which has led us down too many dark paths and into too many crooked foreign wars, from Vietnam to the Middle East. Chinese patriots are also involved in the [B]iden revelations coming to light today. They want to free their own people from the chains of tyranny and communism, and they know the Trump Alliance is the only avenue to that freedom. And they are right about that.

This is not simply another four year election, as 2016 wasn't just another election between two puppets controlled by the same hand, like it used to be before Trump. It is very important that everyone who can vote, does vote, because you should be on this tally for your own personal development. The mind control of the media of this era is something that will be studied for many generations to come. This control is very effective, no one can dispute that, because if it wasn't, then advertising would not be a thing. And if companies will drop millions of dollars on a 30 second super bowl ad, what do you think the effect of a 4 year around-the- clock anti-Trump propaganda campaign would have on the perceptions of the general public? Many have believed these lies, though you might note, my friends, that not one of these lies has worked yet to date.

The story remains that the People woke up, or at least enough of them did to make this great change happen. That is the tale of this election and the one that preceded it. And we had a lot of help, from citizen journalists, to truth-seeking patriots, and people from all walks of life around the globe who sincerely sought the true meaning behind what is unfolding. And many of them actually prayed for that meaning. And when you do that sincerely, you are always steered in the right direction. It never fails.

We are witnessing the hand of God in world events, however you might interpret the meaning of that statement, beyond all worldly religions, but also unifying them. We are not talking about a bearded guy in the sky, we are referring to cycles whose shifts are subsequently reflected in world events. A major era is both closing and also opening. And as I have written many times before, the plans of mice and men cannot alter it beyond the course it is meant to travel. It can alter some of the colors and shades of individual events, but the overall picture is going to be what it is meant to be. It is the dawn of a renewed planetary freedom and the cleaning out of a very old, very corrupt, and I will say it, very evil old order whose time is up. Trump is an important figure in this, but he obviously doesn't act alone. The best comparison might be that he's George Washington during the American Revolution. Rather different personalities, obviously, but it's a rather different time, wouldn't you say? Washington did not have to run the insane media circus gauntlet that Trump has, along with all the battles in the DC bloodsport arena. It's a good thing he had experience in pro wrestling and fight promotions, because those are among the many skills that have come in handy. He has a very specific skill set. Like no one else on earth. And they went after his daughter, Lady Liberty. A very bad mistake. And a fatal mistake, for them.

Trump also has another quality that Washington had. He prays for the soul of our Nation, and knows that in this battle he is guided, like Washington, by Divine Providence. I can think of no other battle, than this one fought in the name of human freedom, that is more worth fighting. I myself would gladly sacrifice my own life for it, were it required, because let's face it, we are all going to die anyway, it is only a matter of time. This is the noble legacy of all patriots, both known and unknown, who fought on battlefields the world over to preserve and protect our sacred freedoms.

Trump will not lose this battle on November 3rd, and neither will the Alliance that supports him. With the coming victory we will enter a new and accelerated part of this glorious story. First, we secure our own sacred freedoms-- from all enemies foreign and domestic (right, Joe?)-- and then we expand our operations to the world at large. The Truth is marching on.

Peace treaties are already being signed in the Middle East. China is a big part of this story, as they have a billion human beings under their care. This great triumph we have undertaken involves freedom fighters, both in the US military under Trump and in the white hats from our intelligence networks, who put this plan together many years ago. We also have all patriotic US citizens and our army of digital soldiers, both here and abroad. And those numbers are growing with each passing minute.

Nothing can stop what is coming. Where we go one, we go all. And the best is truly yet to come. In God We Trust.


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