Wednesday, August 26, 2020

the source

That is what is so confounding.  The Source, GOD, I AM.  Yet it is all clear now.  Is it this way for you?

I AM consciousness.  I create the physical universe by simply imagining a great void and initiating the SPACE TIME pendulum to produce 3D SPACE and TIME.  This is naturally ordered by symbolic logic experienced as GOD,  

I close myself off  to produce an individual bounded lifeform and transition to I AM NOT the WHOLE and experience this as well.

Living Proof


Someone said to me: But how do you know that the source in you is god and not some fool?

So I said to me: How do I know that the source in me is god and not some fool?

The source laughed and said: Come, follow me, then I will show you the living proof: your origin.
And the source took me outside. And suddenly we walked along the water, on a kind of beach.

I said: Source, can I take a photo so that I have proof of where we are now?

The source smiled: Of course you can. 

And I took a picture.

Now look at this, the source said, look at the sand on which you walk. Feel the earth under your feet. It is sturdy, but the sand also moves when you step on it. Have you noticed that?
Yes, I said, I can feel that. 

Now look at the water, the source said. Watch how it flows. How the water moves as if it lives. It looks solid, but unlike the sand, you can’t walk on it. 

Yes. But I can swim in it. 

The source laughed: That’s right. Now let’s see if you can see this. It is above the sand and the water. Yes, in the distance. But also right in front of you. And even inside you….. I mean the air.

Yes, I see it, I mean it's invisible but I feel the wind. And I just know the air is there.

That's for sure, the source said. All three are there. Earth, water and air.

Now feel how earth, water and the air are in your bones, your blood and your lungs.
Damn it, I said, I think I can can imagine that.

The source laughed: Good, although swearing is not really necessary.
I’m just enthusiastic. 

Okay, the source said. Now try to see the thing that makes you see things. Do you see it?
Huh? What do you mean?

I’m talking about the light, the source said. That is what makes everything visible. 

Now look at the sun. Feel how the sunlight enters your eye. How it fills you with images made of earth, air and water. Feel how it flows in you. As if your pupils are miniature black holes.

Notice how it connects the inside with the outside. 

I said, Yes. But where is the source?

And suddenly, in the same way that I appeared on that beach, I disappeared into the darkness.

I could not see or feel anything. Just nothing, the absence of everything. The void. Like a dream. An ocean of emptiness without beginning or end. 

t was scary.

I tried to see something. No stars, no light: Nothing. Even my hands were not there ... no body. But the strange thing about it was that I was there anyway.

Relax, the source said. It is nothing. 

I started to laugh. And the source laughed because I understood. 

Even though I wasn't there. There was consciousness. Awareness is non-material, so it could be nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Consciousness is the source of life. It is as immaterial as imagination. Consciousness is the beginning. It makes everything out of nothing. 

It is in sand, in water, in the air and in light. Consciousness is the beginning and the end. It is everywhere and nowhere. Alpha and omega. The source, nothing but pure potential. magic. 
The essence of you and me is nothing but consciousness.

And we are here! You and I. Living proof. Coming from the source. Connected as consciousness in the worldwide web of information.

Here we are while at the same time, we are somewhere else. 

Look at the picture. We are made from the same stuff, out of sand, sea, air and light. Bundled life force. Built from stardust and born out of consciousness. 

Every atom inside us is connected to everything around us.

We are the form. And we are also the formless. 

The source is behind the forms and behind these words. But it is. Existence exists. Undeniable. Our source is consciousness. And we are connected to that source. Forever. 

At this moment the source speaks to you in this silence. Without a voice the source tells you what you already know deep inside.

Because we simply are that source.

e are waves on the sea of existence from which you and I rise and fall. And at the end of the beginning we return at the begin again.
The source puts us in this moment, as you and me.
And now it is my turn to ask you! 

So I say to you: How do you know if the source is god and not some fool?

To myself I say that the source must be god, or at least a little, otherwise everything wouldn't fit together so perfectly. But I also say: the source made me, so there is no other possibility than that god must also be at least a little crazy…

Henk Verhaeren 04-02-2020

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