Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Holy Grail


I am reading the SEER by Lars Muhl and I have been getting drops from the other side.  Not least the text informs that the neutrino is a thought form.  Of course it is and this is an alternate perspective of my so rigorous conceptualization of the Space Time Pendulum or alternately the 3D symbol of the I Ching.  Our universe is created as a neutrino thought form or Space Time Pendulum on a 3D manifold for the mathematicians out there.

Way more important in terms of spiritual theoretics, I am finally led to link the mythos of the Holy Grail, the Kristos and the physical reality of the INNER SUN which has been  shared by the other side with myself and many others almost unwittingly.

It is the INNER SUN that powered the healing miracles of Jesus and it is the sharing of the INNER SUN that empowered his apostles to do as much.  Better yet this knowledge passed through the priest hood mostly as the legend of the HOLY GRAIL, as physical transmission is much too difficult for most.  We need to recapture this entire MEME to restore the Preisthood to its sacred path advancing the CHURCH.  All humanity needs to address this path through both silent meditation and contemplative meditation as well.

It is when we are ready that the OTHER SIDE will share this with us.  Then perhaps you may ascend to the capacity of actually applying the energies of the INNER SUN for Healing.

Recall that the INNER SUN is a physical impossibilty to our rational mind.  It radiates with the awsome power of our sun but in the ultraviolet so that it does not burn out our brain.  Yet i have experienced it as first an eggshell shattering to release it.  Thus it remains waiting for me to tap..

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