Saturday, August 15, 2020

Monroe institute Transformation

I want to say that working with Monroe institute is the best available method to learn how to conduct out of body experiences.  They use a closed physical space for their program back East. This is obviously an expensive exercise but has still prospered.

COV 19 is providing a much needed push to use modern methods to reach out.  What is pleasant is that new protocols are working and will now be continued.

Certainly we need to apply this tech globally and it needs personal interaction to properly work.

There is likely another six months of polishing, but it is now possible to already do the necessay work without traveling.

What’s been happening during our “Pause?”

Like you, we are making massive changes very quickly in response to COVID 19. During the past 4 months, Monroe has been “getting it out there” in new ways and we’re seeing wonderful and unexpected results! You’ve asked what’s been happening. Here it is—

We knew we had to put our residential offerings on Pause and convert them to an effective online format. So, first, we developed "proof of concept" projects.

We tried three things:
Free online meditations.10-minute meditations on subjects associated
with the pandemic—health and wellness, healing, reducing stress etc.
Result: in 13 weeks, over 100,000 people used these meditations. Now at 167,000.
Free Masterclass webinars. Monroe trainers speaking from their areas of expertise for an hour.
Result: Registrations increased sequentially from 400+ to 700+ during the six weeks of Masterclasses.
Free Salons: Invitational gatherings via Zoom to discuss with Monroe stakeholders how they were handling the pandemic and how they put Monroe tools to use.
Result: Each meeting was filled with a small group of passionate supporters.

The tremendous response to those projects revealed a high level of interest in Monroe online offerings.

Our next step was to adapt Monroe residential courses to virtual retreats. The first three we piloted—"Gateway Voyage,” “Conscious Presence” and “MC2 Squared”—received amazing reviews. Based on the feedback, we’ve so far converted 12 residential programs to the virtual format. 10 to go.

In addition, we've taken some courses that, when re-engineered to a digital format, converted well to weekend virtual retreats. Stay tuned for more on these in the weeks ahead.

Meanwhile, our powerful online courses continue to fill the need for an extended format.

New “Basics" Series

"Remote Viewing Basics" and "Timeline Basics Virtual Retreat" (a shortened version of “Timeline”) are now up and running.

New Programs

We've launched "Lifting the Veil," a 3-week online course based on “Lifeline," and “OBE Spectrum,” a virtual retreat.

Revamped Programs

When we adapted “Guidelines” and “Exploration 27,” we also gave them overhauls. Now, both deliver the potential for stronger, more profound participant experiences.

Based on the success of our online offerings, virtual retreats are now a permanent feature of Monroe. When we reopen our residential programs, we will continue to offer virtual retreats.

Early Metrics

Here's a quick visual to give you an idea of the steady rise in registrations for online offerings since the Pause—

What Matters Most

… participants’ experiences. Here's what people are saying about Monroe online programs—
The trainers were knowledgeable and compassionate.
Powerful duo! Modern day masters.
Best value for my dollar of any of the TMI programs so far
This was absolutely beyond my belief and expectations. Each day, each exercise provided me with experiences that I can only describe as mystical.
I was blown away at how well it worked over Zoom.
These experiences linked all my other spiritual experiences together.
WAAAAY BEYOND my expectations! I honestly did not want it to end.
THIS is the type of stuff that should be required for ALL HUMANS.
Absolutely incredible life-changing experience!
Thank you for making the program more affordable and accessible. I will be signing up for my next class within the following weeks.
Monroe programs are the best in the field.
Not only a great value for the money but also top notch experience.


Virtual retreats are a hit. Participants love the online format. We’re keeping them even after residential programs are back.

The Masterclass webinar format proved to be very popular. We’re looking at offering more of those.
New and revamped programs will continue to be developed for the online experience.

That’s the status for now. We’ll keep you posted.

See you online!

Scott Taylor, EdD

President & Executive Director

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