Thursday, August 20, 2020

Khalsa Gleaming

It is also my understanding that the predicted collapse of civilization will not happen at all.  We are entering a Golden Age.  Better yet what is declared here is that those fully accessing the Inner Sun will be called upon to 'reign'.

This makes complete sense once you undertstand the Inner Sun.  I have physically experienced it once.  All that is missing though is that such a person will also empower the RULE of TWELVE.  You certainly do not wish to actually engage in decison making when it is all better handled that way.

Arran is an initiate of Kirpal and maintains the Science of Spirituality in Vancouver.

All men will learn the practise of meditation at the hands of a teaching guru. That is the Sikh experience and also the meaning of what Jesus taught his disciples.  The preisthood has generally failed to share much of this when able.  An advanced meditator will be shown the Inner Sun and reach the status of a fully empowered 'LIGHT' worker.

All this instructs the now rising GOLDEN AGE.

Letter to a friend, worried about the end of the world:

Dear James,

Rumors of immanent demise as a species are rampant in the world. Kali Yuga. Third Extinction. Pralaya & Maha Pralaya. The Rapture. Nuclear war. Climate collapse. Global warming. Destruction of nature. Pestilence and plagues. Despots and dictators. Widespread pollution. Malthusian overpopulation, and the list goes on and on. We see it happening all around us. In my personal life and in business, I’ve always done whatever possible to leave the world better than I found it, despite depressing statistics and prognostications of pundits, scientists and futurologists, because I do believe in individual effort in making collective change. Everyone knows the words of anthropologist Margaret Meade:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

—Even though such individual efforts may be just drops in the world bucket, I never abandon hope and our ability to manifest positive change. Throughout human history, the inherent demise of humanity has been prophesized by many, and yet, it endures; we endure. We will endure.

My reasons for hope, not just in the words of hopefuls like Meade, nor in the promise by the Great Masters that initiates will be taken care of at the time of death, greeted by the eternal and luminous Inner Master and escorted by them into the higher, permanent regions (as many of those initiates have direct experience of the radiant, sonorous mystical realms in life), but I also take great inspiration from the promise of my spiritual Preceptor, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, who gave direction that the world wasn’t going to be finished nor destroyed as foretold. As a father and grandfather, I also want to see our progeny live and flourish in their life and aspirations long after we are gone.

I was personally, physically present on three occasions when this great Saint hinted at and foretold of the coming Golden Age, and this flies in the face of the pundits.

First was in Rajpur in 1967 when He told me and one other westerner (Sandra Foth, since deceased), “I wish you to become ambassadors for the Golden Age...”. This was in the presence of Mehta Ji Maharaj, the head of Soami Bagh, Agra who visited Him at His house and orchard. (ref: Chapter 30, Rajpur Diaries, page 197, from the book, Moth & the Flame)

The second time was in Dallas Texas on the 1972 Tour, when the Master told me and Frank Ford, the visionary organic farmer and founder of Arrowhead Mills, “I tell you, the time will come when the Khalsa, not necessarily those who have the outward form of khalsa, BUT THOSE IN WHOM THE LIGHT OF GOD IS FULLY EFFULGENT shall reign over the world.” I couldn’t believe my ears and asked, “Master, they shall ‘what’ over the world?” He spelled it out so that there would be no room for equivocation: “R.E.I.G.N. Reign over the world!” I swear, great Light was radiating from Him throughout the room, through His body, into us and throughout the whole world. (ref. chapter, Glimpses from the ’72 Tour, And the Enlightened Shall Reign, Page 281, Moth & the Flame).

The third time was at Master’s last physical birthday at the Unity of Man Conference in Feb 6, 1974, with 100,000 attending:

Dawn of the Golden Age: Later in the day, he spoke again to the vast throng in Hindi, with words of prophecy:

“People say that we are in the Kali Yuga, the Iron Age of darkness, and that before we enter Sat Yuga or the Golden Age of spirituality, there will be pralaya or destruction and dissolution. But no, we are entering the Golden Age, and already I am seeing the rays of its dawning on the horizon... The Golden Age will not drop down from the heavens, but will be born in the human heart.” (as recorded in the chapter Unity of Man, page 298).

So, according to this great teacher of the 20th century, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, we are actually in the early stages of the dawning of the Golden Age.

We need to remember this when we feel that the forces of darkness and untruth will destroy everything; when we feel oppressed by darkness and sorrow. It’s not that the world isn’t in danger. It’s in great danger, but it’s also up to us and the awakening of humanity. We each have a responsibility, and the actions of course, will likely arise in the generations following us. We must never give up hope or faith. But it should be a faith based on personal experience, not blind. And remember, It’s always darkest before the Dawn.


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