Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Bold New Theory Offered for Source of Tunguska Blast

Yes of course.  We have zero evidence of blast debris, so then we have NO blast debris.  But we do have a high speed asteroid passing through.  This asteroid was a remnant of the impactor that was targeted to hammer the Ice Cap around 12,900 BP.  That object was certainly broken up but also delivered several massive asteroids as well, one recently discovered in Greenland.

Thus a small or even quite large asteroid skimmed through out athmosphere and passed on.  At seventy miles per second or therabouts, a huge shock wave would be produced whose energy would easily have produced all the observed effects.

All of this space junk does need to be tracked down once we start putting manpower up on gravity ships.  It is no trick to scoot out to their far orbital positions and there adjust the momentum enough to fling them into any old gravity well with minimal; effort.

Otherwise, sooner or later something is going to simply get lucky and we do not need that.  It certainly justifies a full out prospecting enterprise by itself in order to actually adjust orbits, but to also inventory metal value if any...

Bold New Theory Offered for Source of Tunguska Blast

May 8, 2020


An intriguing new theory has been offered for what caused the legendary 1908 Tunguska event. Scientists studying the strange incident, in which a mysterious blast of some kind flattened a whopping 80 million trees over an area of 830 square miles in Siberia, have long suspected that it was caused by a meteor striking the Earth. However, a recently published paper reportedly calls that hypothesis into question and, instead, put forward a rather fantastic alternative explanation.

Siberian scientists studying the case argue that the Tunguska event was actually the result of a sizeable iron asteroid entering the Earth's atmosphere, skimming the planet, and then shooting back out into space. The bold idea was based on mathematical models which explored different scenarios wherein asteroids of varying size, composition, and trajectory interacted with the Earth. Through this process, researchers were able to rule out an icy ball and a rocky object as the culprits for the blast and, in turn, determined that it was most likely an iron asteroid.

The model which best matched what occurred in 1908 indicated that the iron interloper was approximately 320 to 650 feet in diameter and zipped across 1,800 miles of the Earth's atmosphere before exiting back into space. This brief moment, researchers say, would generate the force seen on the ground in Tunguska and explain why there is no crater that can be connected with the event. The scientists behind the paper also noted that the theory accounts for "optical effects associated with a strong dustiness of high layers of the atmosphere over Europe, which caused a bright glow of the night sky."

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