Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Vaccine Cover-up and the Massive Corruption at the Top


Remember that this whole enterprise is essentially managed and regulated through the USA.  Yet the market is wholly global and includes the whole global population.  They have every possible incentive to game the USA system.

Our problem of course is that we cannot even see this. No one tells us.

What gives encouragement is that the media war is slowly trending against the industry ,not least because we are producing more and more real victims.  The whole problem is becoming public from the bottom up.  It compares to the rise of polio infection back in the day that helped to trigger the real creation of this industry.   Now we are peddling faux risks in order to sell batteries of government funded injections which should never be stuck in babies ever.

This is part of that continuing blow back.  By the by, mike Adams who is quoted here is described as a doubtful source in terms of MSM coverage, yet he maintains a high end laboratory..

The Vaccine Cover-up and the Massive Corruption at the Top: This is a Pharmaceutical Driven Agenda

The World Health Organization, (W.H.O.) always suspect, held a global vaccine summit in early December 2019, and some very damning video was leaked and released to the public, and of course, that particular video footage, as observed by Mike Adams here most likely will be banned and removed from YouTube. Why would YouTube remove actual live declarations at a world meeting, unless a cover-up is present? Why would comments from the top members of the W.H.O. at a world conference supposedly about the safety of vaccination be suppressed, unless that factual evidence would harm those who profit from this corrupt vaccine agenda? Why would the media hide this information, unless they had something to gain? The forces at work here are not concerned with safety, but with total vaccine saturation, regardless of the risk.

The hidden part of that meeting concerned many questioning the actual safety of vaccines, or admissions that safety concerns were not only evident, but also widespread. Opening this link at Brighton will allow access to that live video footage.

The long-term use of vaccines, use that has increased to previously unheard of levels, especially in infants and young children, has turned the world population into a vaccine dependent state, which means that more and more vaccines will have to be forthcoming in order to battle every malady of the human condition. With mass vaccination at these levels, the natural human resistance and immunity to disease will fail. Is this a purposely-planned outcome? Is this being done incrementally so as to once again fool the public into total submission of sought after fabricated remedies that vastly increase the wealth and power of those involved in this scheme, while harming the general 

There are revelations here that are staggering to say the least. They expose many of the lies presented by the W.H.O., the American Medical Association, the very complicit mainstream media and all its shills, and of course the government at most every level, especially the always complicit federal bureaucracies. Some of those include the (CDC) Center for Disease Control, the (FDA) Federal Drug Administration, the (ACCV), Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines, the (ACIP) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the (NIH) National Institutes of Health, and the (VICP) National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, among many others. The lying is system wide, and should be obvious to any paying attention.

It is no longer a secret that the added components to vaccines called adjuvants, including aluminum and mercury in many cases, both very toxic, are an extreme health risk. But the vaccine industry would stall and die without the use of adjudants. According to Dr. Martin Howell Friede, Coordinator, Initiative for Vaccine Research, W.H.O.:

“Every time that there is an association, be it temporal or not temporal, the first accusation is it is the adjuvant. And yet, without adjuvants, we are not going to have the next generation of vaccines. 

And many of the vaccines that we do have, ranging from tetanus through to HPV require adjuvants in order for them to work.  So the challenge that we have in front of us is:  How do we build confidence in this? And the confidence first of all comes from the regulatory agencies (I look to Marion). When we add an adjuvant it’s because it is essential.  We do not add adjuvants to vaccines because we want to do so.  But when we add them, it adds to the complexity. I give courses every year on “How do you develop vaccines?” “How do you make vaccines?” And the first lesson is, while you’re making your vaccine, if you can avoid using an adjuvant, please do so.  Lesson two is, if you’re going to use an adjuvant, use one that has a history of safety. And lesson three is, if you’re not going to do that, think very carefully.”

He went on to say: “As we add adjuvants, especially some of the more recent adjuvants, such as the ASO1, saponin-derived adjuvants , we do see increased local reactogenicity… The major health concern which we are seeing are accusations of long term, long term effects. (Keep in mind that “reactogencity” means common, and “expected” adverse reactions, especially excessive immunological responses and associated signs and symptoms.)

After this revelation that was filmed and made available, it should be obvious that those championing vaccination are very aware of the high risk associated with these adjuvants, but their main challenge and goal according to Dr. Friede and others at the W.H.O. is not to find a better way, but to “build confidence” by using the government regulatory agencies. This is telling, and brings no assurance that this body is concerned with safety at all, but seems to indicate that mass vaccination at any human cost is desired. This is a normal result when continuing to reap billions and billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical industry is the true goal.

Also, according to Proffessor Heidi Larson, PhD, Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project

“We have a very wobbly health professional front line that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines. When the front line professionals are starting to question or they don’t feel like they have enough confidence about the safety to stand up to it to the person asking them the questions. I mean most medical school curriculums, even nursing curriculums, I mean in medical school you’re lucky if you have a half-day on vaccines. Never mind keeping up to date with all this.” She also said at the conference: “You can’t repurpose the same old science to make it sound better if you don’t have the science that’s relevant to the new problem. So we need much more investment in
 So apparently, doctors and nurses know little or nothing about vaccines or vaccine safety. And the supposed experts at the World Health Organization admit that much more safety is needed, and in fact they are using old and outdated science as the basis for their false claims that vaccines are perfectly safe for most people.

Many different vaccines are being given to infants at six, ten, and fourteen weeks, and these have many different adjuvants and preservatives coming from many different suppliers, all co-mingled to make these vaccines. 

[ this is completely insane from any science viewpoint.  It is also dangerous and the actual impact is been seen through the rapid increase in damage and injury to these babes. That is measurable and it is scary.  Until the industry gets hit with billions in blow - back, they will not quit.  Somehow Thalidomide merely taught them how to lie better.   arclein ]

 No study to my knowledge has ever been done on reactions to these concoctions for adverse reactions or possible cross-reactions. This question was asked by Dr. Bassey Okposen – Program Manager, National Emergency Routine Immunization Coordination Centre (NERICC) Abuja, Nigeria, but was never properly answered at this so-called safety conference.

The bottom line is that no thinking and caring parent should allow these toxic vaccinations without very concentrated scrutiny, and if safety satisfaction is not forthcoming, then more questions are necessary. These people need to be held to the fire, as the agenda of mass vaccination is based on profits for the pharmaceutical industry, and an agenda of mass control of the world population by the governing bodies. This is an atrocity, and the health and welfare of all of us, especially innocent infants and children, deserve much more protection than any agenda driven bureaucracies can or will ever offer. The truth is coming out continually about vaccine deceit. Will anyone listen?

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