Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Demo of New 'Invisibility Cloak'

This happens to be huge folks.  Recall the devastating effect that the introduction of stealth aircraft has had on air to ground warfare.  IT made anti aircraft counter fire completely ineffective when applied thirty years ago in the first Gulf War.
Now imagine turning every single foot soldier into a prospective sniper on any terrain.  Like in an open field?  Dig a convenient foxhole to protect against stray bullets and shrapnel and then set up your foot high screen to the front with a horizontal slit to see and shoot  through.  You can set up an ambush anywhere in broad daylight.   Then step back a hundred meters to ensure zero visibility.
It would be light and mobile enough to even attach to your rifle barrel so that you never have to fuss with your adjustments at all and you can be trained to keep fully behind your mobile cover.
Larger sheets for larger needs of course, but this is infantry grade plausible.  ..

Demo of New 'Invisibility Cloak' October 21, 2019

A Canadian company called Hyperstealth Biotechnology is developing an inexpensive product that makes objects behind a paper-thin material appear invisible. This so-called invisibility cloak works by bending light, not only in the visible spectrum, but also in the ultraviolet, infrared, and thermal ranges.

Currently applying for patents, Hyperstealth Corp., writes in a press release that the new material "can hide a person, a vehicle, a ship, spacecraft and buildings," and they are working on 13 versions of it. More at Newswire and Futurism.

Hyperstealth Corp. Discloses Patent Pending Invisibility Cloak

Invisibility is Now a Reality

Press Release - updated: Oct 8, 2019

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, October 8, 2019 (Newswire.com) - ​Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. announces their four patent applications which are all related to their Quantum Stealth (Light Bending Material), otherwise known as the Invisibility Cloak. The information within the four patents has been released by Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. with over 100 minutes of videos demonstrating the prototype materials which are available to watch directly from their website www.hyperstealth.com.

Hyperstealth’s Guy Cramer, President/CEO, is also the inventor of the four patent applications.​

The first patent application is Quantum Stealth, light bending material. True invisibility was thought to be impossible by most physicists. Not only does the material hide a target in the visible spectrum but Guy demonstrates that it also bends in the Ultraviolet, Infrared and Shortwave Infrared while it blocks the Thermal Spectrum, making it a true “Broadband Invisibility Cloak”.

There is no power source. It is paper-thin and inexpensive. It can hide a person, a vehicle, a ship, spacecraft and buildings. The patent discusses 13 versions of the material and the patent allows for many more configurations. One piece of Quantum Stealth can work in any environment, in any season at any time of the day or night, something no other camouflage is capable of.

The second patent application is a new “Solar Panel Amplifier” which uses the same lens material that is a key component of all four patents. It has demonstrated to provide more than triple the output of an equal thin film control panel and almost triple that of a monocrystalline panel.

Guy was able to far surpass the Maximum specified Output determined by the manufactures on the three main panel types; Thin Film, Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline panels. The maximum output is determined by the amount of solar radiation available on the Equator at noon on a clear day. Guy’s tests were done near Vancouver, Canada with only 1/3 the solar radiation available compared to the equator. This means that higher latitudes with low solar radiation may now be just as viable for solar panels as it is in lower latitudes.

The third patent application is simply called “Display System” but it’s capable of producing holographic-like images with the addition of a powered projector. The holodeck from Star Trek is one step closer. The patent office has already reviewed this patent application.

The fourth patent application is Laser Scattering, Deviation & Manipulation: In the videos, Guy demonstrates splitting a single laser into over 3,888,000 smaller lasers. What can you do with that many lasers? You can add it to a LIDAR system (Lasers that behave like Radars) which typically use one laser, a spinning mirror and an optical receiver to determine the surroundings. These are found on the new self-driving vehicles, typically they are mounted on the roof and spin around. Increasing one laser to millions should allow for ultra-high resolution at much longer distances, allowing the computers to determine dangerous conditions or objects much quicker allowing for much safer transit for both the vehicle and pedestrians and animals near roads.

This could also allow for aircraft detection and tracking and would work on conventional or stealth aircraft from long distances. The battlefield may be swept by this new multimillion laser LIDAR system allowing for unprecedented detail of any adversarial soldiers and equipment, regardless of their camouflage or camouflage nets.

Hyperstealth website with embedded videos of all these technologies: www.hyperstealth.com

For further information, and requests for downloadable videos (for the media only) please contact: Guy Cramer gcramer@hyperstealth.com​

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