Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Dr. Maynard Murray M.D. and Sea Eergy Agriculture


This particular meme is now been revived.  i have alluded to it several times due to my exposure back in the early 80's.  we now have a commercial supplier.

I would go a step further and soak a charge of bio-char in the solution to fully mineralize the bio-char.  that way the adsorbed minerals can not be washed away.

The charged bio char can be applied in  hills or in established crop rows..

Dr. Maynard Murray M.D.

Sea Energy Agriculture is the discovery of Maynard Murray MD,a biochemist, research scientist and medical doctor specializing in ENT medicine.

Dr. Maynard Murray – Sea Energy Agriculture Creator

This amazing technology evolved from Dr. Murray’s question, “Why does man, God’s most perfect creation, fall prey to degenerative disease?” Dr. Murray searched for answers by studying various groups of centenarians throughout the world to determine why they were superior or physiologically different. Since he could not find any obvious differences, he began to examine their environment and found these cultures live in virtually isolated ecosystems. The soils of their ecosystems were preserved from erosion, cared for sustainably without the use of chemical fertilizers or poisons, and in many cases, fed by mineral rich glacial streams. Therefore, he concluded that the answer must be in the soil and the food these centenarians produced and consumed. As a scientist that understood the periodic table of elements, he wondered how many of the 90+ water soluble elements of the earth’s crust remained in the soil and available for plants growth and development. He conducted analyses of soils and the produce from various agricultural regions and discovered large discrepancies in elemental and vitamin content. He also studied the soil microbial life and activity.

As a result of discussions with other scientists, he learned that cancer or cancerous tumors were rarely found in ocean life. Knowing that the sea once covered all land masses, he directed his research to the study of sea life. During the next several years, he traveled the seas for months in fishing boats. Dr. Murray dissected thousands of species from the seas and did not find any traces of cancer, heart disease, or other degenerative diseases. Amazingly, his research concluded that aging on a cellular level does not occur in sea life. Dr. Murray then analyzed the mineral composition of seawater and found more than 90 water-soluble elements present in a constant proportional balance. When an excessive amount of any element flows into the sea through erosion or run-off, it precipitates out or drops to the sea floor. He determined that sea life lives and feeds in an environment where shortages or excesses in the 90+ periodic table elements are virtually non-existent unless manipulated by humankind.

Retention pond at the SeaAgri Mine

Dr. Murray discovered that our agricultural soils, and consequently the food grown in it, are seriously depleted of minerals through leaching, erosion and over cropping. Current agricultural practices replace six to 12 of the 40 elements considered critical for optimum plant growth and development. Dr. Murray questioned whether the 90+ elements he found in sea water were essential. He knew that all individual cells in the human body are continually replaced during the process of cell division. While cell division occurs, the cells are supplied with elements and nutrients provided by food. Critical elements become nonexistent in our bodies when no longer present in our food. Therefore, Dr. Murray deduced that the only logical explanation for the frightening increases in cancer and other forms of chronic degenerative disease is the absence of a complete and balanced chemical physiology.

Dr. Murray also theorized that the most efficient method to remineralize our precious soils (and the resultant food) to their optimum mineral composition is to recycle the elements lost to the sea back into the land. Thus, the technology of Sea Energy Agriculture was discovered. Dr. Murray conducted extensive agricultural research trials during a 30 year period. All trials were focused on the soil-root route of plant to animal nutrition. In his initial greenhouse experiments, he utilized the highest quality sea water collected by the US Navy three miles off shore in the Atlantic Ocean. He poured small amounts of sea water on the soil and determined that the 3.5 percent mineral solids in sea water had a profoundly positive effect on plant growth and development. As Dr. Murray began planning large scale experiments and field trials, he realized that the cost of securing the amount of sea water necessary to provide the required mineral solids to adequately remineralize soil was economically cost prohibitive. Therefore, he searched the world for a natural source of pure sea mineral solids that are elementally exactly the same as the ocean water the US Navy previously supplied. Fortunately, he discovered the perfect location in North America that he disclosed prior to his death in 1982 to Robert Cain of SeaAgri.

SEA-90 sea mineral solids created in this specific location are unique in their mineral and trace element richness due to five major factors: 

First: SEA-90 is created from a sea enriched with several million tons of top soil deposited into its delta by a powerful river. 

Second: mineral rich Pacific Ocean water with its 85 known elements blends with our sea water to further add to the mineral balance. 

Third: rare earth elements are added to this sea water mix from geothermal vents on the sea bottom. 

Fourth: the location’s climate has average temperatures exceeding 100°F (37° C) and less than one-half inch (1.25 cm) annual rainfall guaranteeing quick solar dehydration and a complete mineral package since no elements are leached away. 

Fifth: increasingly important, the area is extremely remote and remains pollution free.

These sea mineral solids (not sea water) were then utilized in Dr. Murray’s amazing research.

All Dr. Murray’s experimental data and conclusions are based upon the use of sea mineral solids as a soil fertilizer from the exact same location where SEA-90 is created. He never sprayed diluted solutions of sea water on plants as a foliar fertilizer nor did he offer sea mineral solids to livestock as a mineral salt. Therefore, staying true to Dr. Murray’s research, SeaAgri’s initial focus at its conception in 2003 was to provide SEA-90 sea mineral solids to farmers as a soil amendment. In 2005, the price of fuel doubled causing the cost of shipping to increase 50 percent. Most businesses would have failed at this point, but realizing the potential of sea energy agriculture, SeaAgri’s customers began trying other methods of incorporating SEA-90 into their farm programs. Thus, the trials and research studies began as SEA-90 was dissolved and applied foliar, used in liquid row support, and offered to livestock and poultry as a mineral supplement.

SeaAgri believes that Dr. Murray was correct with regard to his recommendation of multiple broadcast applications on most agricultural areas for sustainable soil remineralization. However, farmers, ranchers and gardeners who wish to experience Dr. Murray’s results and maximize production with significantly lower annual cost can incorporate several or all of the new application methods into their agricultural programs and systems. The same crop nutrient density that Dr. Murray achieved with his soil applications can also be achieved through modest broadcast and/or foliar applications of SEA-90 minerals and trace elements. The sustainable benefits include increased production and shelf life, improved flavor, as well as reduced frost, drought, insect and disease pressures with resultant increased profits. Farmers and ranchers can utilize SEA-90 to reduce operating costs by using less fertilizer, harmful pesticides, insecticides and fungicides. Livestock that is offered SEA-90 and/or fed nutrient-dense crops and pasture mature to ultimate weight and size in less time with less feed and exhibit improved health with fewer abnormalities. Most important, SEA-90 minerals and trace elements is a product that is used with confidence by farmers, ranchers and gardeners during transition from conventional growing practices to natural, sustainable and organic production and certification.

Dr. Murray was awarded patents for his discoveries regarding the application of sea mineral solids to agriculture and hydroponics. In addition, he authored “Sea Energy Agriculture” in order to document his findings and to share his discoveries. More recently, Charles Walters, ACRES USA, wrote Fertility From the Ocean Deep summarizing Dr. Murray’s research while offering more insight into this amazing and extraordinary gift from Nature.

Dr. Murray died in 1982 and his discovery of sea solids laid dormant until 2003 when Robert Cain started SeaAgri and once again made them available to the world.

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