Monday, September 3, 2018

Reformation of Religion


This teaching is simple and was inspired by listening to comments made by Kirpal Singh decades ago who expressed it clearly.

All souls or spirit bodies are by definition united with GOD  and are part of the same whole.  Thus all human constructs in the third tier physical world are artificial in search of an impossible and unnecessary unity which succumbs of course to politics.  This means all religions and similar movements who profess to minister to the soul and spirit.

We now also understand soul and spirit as physical entities resident in the second tier of matter.  I have also assigned soul as the more abstract idea of perfect pattern that GOD seeks to improve and even perfect.  Simply though the intent is to constantly make it better.  Spirit is the physical construct itself.  That can be imagined as a large packed mutable ball of electron sized particles all held together by photon ribbons or Mobius strips carrying information.

Thus the sole purpose of all spiritual practice is to enhance out awareness and communion with our own spirit.  Everything else takes away from this.  Thus living under the guidance of the spirit is to be desired and recommended.  Fortunately most organized religions and groups do accommodate this.  It is the rest of the noise that causes no end of trouble and needs to be tamed.

In the present day, the worst case of what is best described as structural trouble is the Catholic Church itself.  Hierarchy does just that.  However we need not look far with every other such organization as hierarchies are natural magnets for criminals.  For that reason it will be necessary to embark on a global reformation that focuses of reordering the priorities of the shepherds or teaching masters and freeing them to do so.

I do think that the Roman Catholic Church can be readily absorbed into the Orthodox Church and that the resolution will be attractive to all christian faiths.  Other clear strategies exist for all the rest.   What must disappear is the use of hierarchy to produce fiscal and temporal power.  Any person in search of either must be in the wrong place.  Again the rule of twelve resolves that.


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