Saturday, December 9, 2017

Why SE Native Heritage is Much More than DNA from Siberia With Richard Thornton


This is excellent confirmation of the impact of the Atlantean Bronze Age and the North Atlantic Great circle route that operated continously from at least 2500 BC through  first contact and well after under the Norse and the Templars until the rise of the English in the early seventeenth century.

It is one of those circumstances in which i knew that the DNA data had to tell me this story and we had to wait until someone actually looked closely.   The bigger shock is just how slight Siberian DNA is on the SE coast.

Add in that the real cause of population collapse here was Spanish slavery and we see a quite different picture.

DNA will also establish major European impact at Lake superior and in many other places as well and likely including the Olmec..


Posted by Richard Thornton 

| Nov 24, 2017 | 

Native American Community, South Atlantic |

Commercial DNA tests compare the complex genetic heritage of test subjects to known populations around the world. They typically define “Native American” as similarity to some First Nations peoples in Canada. There are NO DNA test markers for the Muskogean peoples or the Cherokees. 

Seemingly “full blood” Uchees in Oklahoma are astonished when their tests come back showing an unexpectedly low percentage of heritage from Northeastern Siberia, via eastern Peru and Mesoamerica, but high levels of DNA from Lappland in Scandinavia, Finland, southwestern Ireland, the Basques in Iberia, Sardinia and even ancient populations of the Middle East.

We are finding that the aboriginal people of the mountains of Alabama, Georgia, western North Carolina and northwestern South Carolina were called Tokahle or Tokah-ke . . . the Freckled People. A similar word is used for the aboriginal red haired, freckled people of New Zealand . . . Tuha-ke. There must be a connection.

As the People of One Fire continues its exploration of the Southern Highlands, we will be interpolating archaeological, architectural, cultural and genetic information. It is important for you to realize that our indigenous heritage is NOT solely from Siberia. In the past, anthropological presumptions that all Native Americans were pure Siberians originally, has biased DNA testing. 

Non-Siberian DNA was “tossed out’ without further analysis, because it was assumed to have been the result of intermarriage with Europeans and North Africans after 1500 AD. This is absolutely not the case. It is a fact, documented by historian William Bacon Stephens that the early colonists on the coast of Georgia and southern South Carolina encountered “light skinned” Natives, who spoke a dialect of Irish Gaelic. These Duhare (the early Medieval Gaelic word for Irish) eventually moved to the Chattahoochee River and joined the Creek Confederacy. Any tribal name in the Southeast with the suffixes le, lee, li, re, ree, or ri carry the Pre-Gaelic word for “people or tribe,” used in Bronze Age Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia.

The following article is written in language that you can understand. It explains the surprising origin of the Irish People. What immediately caught my eyes was the mention of ancestry in Sardinia. You see, the triangular stone temple at the Nodoroc Mud Volcano in Northeast Metro Atlanta was identical to some Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age temples in Sardinia, Corsica and Cyprus. 

Enjoy reading

DNA shows Irish people have more complex origins than previously thought

Marie McKeown

Hub Pages

Fri, 05 Jul 2013 01:03 UTC

The blood in Irish veins is Celtic, right? Well, not exactly. Although the history many Irish people were taught at school is the history of the Irish as a Celtic race, the truth is much more complicated, and much more interesting than that ... 

Research done into the DNA of Irish males has shown that the old Anthropological attempts to define 'Irish' have been misguided. As late as the 1950s researchers were busy collecting data among Irish people such as hair colour and height, in order to categorise them as a 'race' and define them as different to the British. In fact British and Irish people are closely related in their ancestry. 

Research into Irish DNA and ancestry has revealed close links with Scotland stretching back to before the Ulster Planation of the early 1600s. But the closest relatives to the Irish in DNA terms are actually from somewhere else entirely! 

Medieval map of Ireland, showing Irish tribes. Irish origin myths confirmed by modern scientific evidence Irish Blood: origins of DNA 

The earliest settlers came to Ireland around 10,000 years ago, in Stone Age times. There are still remnants of their presence scatter across the island. Mountsandel in Coleraine in the North of Ireland is the oldest known site of settlement in Ireland - remains of woven huts, stone tools and food such as berries and hazelnuts were discovered at the site in 1972.

But where did the early Irish come from? For a long time the myth of Irish history has been that the Irish are Celts. Many people still refer to Irish, Scottish and Welsh as Celtic culture - and the assumtion has been that they were Celts who migrated from central Europe around 500BCE. Keltoi was the name given by the Ancient Greeks to a 'barbaric' (in their eyes) people who lived to the north of them in central Europe. While early Irish art shows some similarities of style to central European art of the Keltoi, historians have also recognised many significant differences between the two cultures. 

The latest research into Irish DNA has confirmed that the early inhabitants of Ireland were not directly descended from the Keltoi of central Europe. In fact the closest genetic relatives of the Irish in Europe are to be found in the north of Spain in the region known as the Basque Country. These same ancestors are shared to an extent with the people of Britain - especially the Scottish. 

DNA testing through the male Y chromosome has shown that Irish males have the highest incidence of the haplogroup 1 gene in Europe. While other parts of Europe have integrated contiuous waves of new settlers from Asia, Ireland's remote geographical position has meant that the Irish gene-pool has been less susceptible to change. The same genes have been passed down from parents to children for thousands of years. 

This is mirrored in genetic studies which have compared DNA analysis with Irish surnames. Many surnames in Irish are Gaelic surnames, suggesting that the holder of the surname is a descendant of people who lived in Ireland long before the English conquests of the Middle Ages. Men with Gaelic surnames, showed the highest incidences of Haplogroup 1 (or Rb1) gene. This means that those Irish whose ancestors pre-date English conquest of the island are direct descendants of early stone age settlers who migrated from Spain.

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