Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Facebooker Records A Crystal Clear Video of Multiple UFOs While Driving Through The Desert In Arizona

Yesterday, a gentleman named Mauricio Morales posted some remarkable pictures on the internet that ended up going fairly viral across social media. They were snaps of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs, which does not mean they are extraterrestrial in origin).

That being said, don’t be fooled, there is a tremendous amount of evidence pointing toward the fact that some of these UFOs, whose presence were officially acknowledged within the mainstream using declassified documents and hundreds of high ranking military/political whistleblowers, are indeed extraterrestrial in origin.
There is ample evidence suggesting that many are ‘ours’ as well.
We’ve written about this quite extensively, and if you want to learn more about that and sift through all of the evidence we’ve accumulated over the past 8 years, please visit the exopolitics section of our website here.  Another great place to start is with UFO researcher Richard Dolan.
Here’s Morales’ statement on what he experienced from his Facebook post:
“As I was driving back to Phoenix this evening, I was a few miles past Parker, AZ when I saw a shooting star with a green hue in the corner of my eye. I kept driving for a few miles and noticed a small orange light far in the distance to my right. At first I thought that maybe a meteor had hit nearby and set a fire in the desert or possibly a distant antenna light.

 I didn’t quite think much of it and continued to drive for another three miles. I noticed that the light was gone. I drove another half of a mile and I saw the light appear again. This is when I realized that whatever this was, wasn’t normal.
I was about a quarter of a mile from the crossing between Highway 72 and Highway 95 between Parker and Quartzsite, Arizona.
I immediately pulled over and attached my camera to my tripod. To my SW direction, there were six orange-red lights floating around in the horizon. Some of them would dim out and then brighten back up, others just seemed to float and hover away slowly. They seemed to travel in a parallel pattern with a very bright fiery glisten. I took photos and videos and in less than 15 minutes, the mysterious objects vanished without a trace.
All of the photographs are timestamped and are not edited whatsoever. The video is slightly cropped for better viewing.
Whatever this was, I have never seen anything like this in my life before. Super cool experience.
*UPDATE* 4/11/17 11:22pm

I have noticed that my cameras clock is set 8 minutes ahead. Which means that the time stamps are all 8 minutes ahead. I also saw a video of the same exact thing but from the opposite end in El Centro, CA. That means that whatever this was, it was visible for at least 100 miles.
ABC15 is reporting that the photos were part of the meteor. They were not. The meteor struck about 10 minutes before I pulled over on HWY 95 and got footage of these lights. The difference in lighting you see in the photos is because I was using different settings to get a more visible photo of what they were.”
Below are a few pictures, but you can view the video Timelapse on his Facebook page.

Below is some footage from Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). Known to some as the “Father of the Disclosure Movement,” he was instrumental in bringing forth hundreds of military whistleblowers of all ranks, with verified backgrounds, to share their experiences and testify on the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.
He has had high-level meetings within the Pentagon about this issue, and that was confirmed (in his documentary Sirius Disclosure) by Apollo 14 astronaut and the 6th man to walk on the Moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
– Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon (source)(source)(source)
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking. – Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)
When it comes to real footage of UFOs (unidentified flying objects), film from the 1991 NASA STS-48 Discovery Space Shuttle mission definitely ranks as some of the best. This footage is real and well-documented, and has been the subject of rigorous scientific investigation by multiple researchers and institutions. (1)(2)(3)
Very interesting to say the least. Many have called out the official explanation that these are ice particles as bogus, and at the 23 second mark to approximately 35 and beyond, you’ll see why.

Why Are So Many People Interested In UFOs?

The top google searchers every single year always show UFOs and extraterrestrials as a hot topic. Every year, the masses seem to become more and more curious, which is also evident from the fact that the most viewed file in the FBI vault deals with a crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft and bodies. You can access that file and read more about it here.
Perhaps it’s the secrecy around this subject that is really grinding people’s gears and sparking their curiosity. It’s human nature to explore the unknown, and when information is kept from us, there will inevitably be backlash.
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
Or perhaps, it’s just like NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor Dr. Brian O’leary said, “there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” (source)
We are definitely living in one of the most interesting times in human history. The birth of the industrial, scientific and technological/information revolutions brought with them a host of problems. One of these problems, as President Eisenhower, JFK and dozens of other presidents and politicians warned us about in the past, is the fact that a powerful group of people and the corporations they run, headed by the big banks, have taken control over almost every aspect of our lives. Today, many people are waking up to this reality in various ways. One way is, for example, through healthcare and seeing through the manipulation of science by big drug companies. Another is big food, becoming aware of all of the pesticides and harmful ingredients that are added to it. Another realm is politics and false flag terrorism, and seeing through the fact that many soldiers are sent to die for corporate interests and an agenda set out by the financial elite. However, more people are starting to understand our reality and thus making more conscious choices, voting with their dollars.
More and more souls on the plant today desire peace, and that is made clear by all of the humanitarian and activist movements that’ve been unearthed. Not many souls on the planet want to see others suffer, and we have the potential to create a human experience where everybody has their needs met. This is possible, but there are systems put in place to make you think this is not possible because our economy would be completely destroyed. True, it would be, but that would be a necessary step in the re-design of the human experience.
There are those who capitalize off of our enslavement, our 9-5 work schedules, our attention being put towards our own lives, sports and entertainment. We’ve strayed from our natural path of curiosity and exploration because we’re told from a young age that “this is who we are” and that “this is how it is.”]
This type of thinking is changing, the anti-war movement is stronger than ever, and it’s clear that if our planet and our countries were really a democracy, things would be a lot different. We are one human race and there are no need for borders.
Based on all of my research, experiences and gut feelings, this massive shift in consciousness that’s occurring in the human population is a primary reason why “they” are coming around more often…
Thanks for reading.

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