Thursday, April 20, 2017

Red Alert: Trump Takes NK Conflict To The Next Level… Deploys Almost Unprecedented Force


So far Trump is following a natural play script that I anticipated and posted on months ago.  There will be plenty of variations regarding the fine details but Russia and China are now learning how to deal with him.

This is all very bad news for the North Koreans and i think that their goose is cooked as in a deal has already been struck.  What that deal is remains to be revealed but it does not include things remaining the same.

I expect that both the Russians and the Chinese will be quite satisfied when this all over.

Otherwise the press is been played as is the whole world right now.. 

Red Alert: Trump Takes NK Conflict To The Next Level… Deploys Almost Unprecedented Force 

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is certainly finding out that there’s a new sheriff in town, and President Donald Trump isn’t going to put up with the same things that his predecessor, Barack Obama, did.

In an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Trump said that he wasn’t stopping at a carrier group — he planned to send an “armada” over to deal with the latest provocations out of Kim’s regime.

“We are sending an armada. Very powerful,” Trump told the Fox Business Network host. “We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That, I can tell you.”

However, breaking with the tradition set by his predecessor, Trump said he would not announce his plans the same way that Obama did. “You never know, do you? You never know,” Trump told Bartiromo.

He added that Kim is “doing the wrong thing.”

According to Fox News, Trump’s administration had already sent a carrier strike group into the region to deal with the threat. The USS Carl Vinson — known colloquially as “America’s Favorite Aircraft Carrier” — was one of several warships that made their way toward the Korean Peninsula to deal with Kim Jong Un’s saber-rattling.

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