Friday, January 6, 2017

UFOs Battle Over The Sierras

This tales seems so unlikely that it gives pause, What are we actually seeing?  I think that all this is in the stratosphere to start with.  That is important because problems of scale make seeing impossible otherwise while  light reacting objects in the upper atmosphere are at a plausible range and also contained with a narrow band.

The second issue is that the assumption of a war between aliens using technology is implausible on its own, particularly running continuously for years.  War is not like that and where is the debris?

What the High Sierras provide us is ideal viewing conditions for the Stratosphere and our upper atmosphere more generally.

The actual interactions sound a lot like watching  single cell life forms in an ocean.  What is working is that these objects are giving off light allowing us to observe them.  So while we still do not what has been observed over and over, it appears that we may at least be seeing the realm of the postulated slime molds that form large methane gas balloons at least can operate there.

The actual range of living creatures will likely surprise us.  There is a calm ocean up there.

UFOs Battle Over The Sierras

Wednesday, January 04, 2017


Ed Grimsley, famous for his night vision goggles/UFO footage, spoke about his UFO sighting when he was 16:

“When I was 16 years old in 1961... when camping in the Sierras in deer season in 1961, I saw a great deal of activity as I looked out of my sleeping bag and it looked like stars and glittering going against each other and some of them were blowing up and they were firing on each other. So I woke everybody up in the campsite and they all watched for probably an hour and half or so and I still remember my father - he's passed now – he said: 'I don't know who they are, I don't know what they're fighting over and I don't know whose side I would be on. And my 270 hunting rifle wouldn't reach them so I'm gonna go back to sleep.' And they're real. So I, curious cat, stayed up until 5 in the morning when the sunlight started to come up and I could no longer see them. So, then again, I knew that they existed and I knew that they fought with each other and that there was a battle all through that whole night. It encompasses half the Earth because I watched them for probably seven or eight hours that whole night and when daylight came I could no longer see them. And I counted near 45 kills and battle procedures and how they maneuvered how they would circle. How they made head on runs. At 16 years old, that was quite a bit to swallow.”

Source: Documentary 'Ed Grimsley Mini Documentary Part One'

JLB - Beyond Creepy

NOTE: Here is Ed Grimsley's bio from 'Coast to Coast AM':

Ed Grimsley (1945-February 22, 2016) had been seeing battles between unknown aircraft in the night skies since he was a teenager. Since then, he continued seeing what appear to be Delta shaped and Saucer shaped aircraft in space shooting it out, using what appear to be laser weapons. He had seen hundreds of these objects recently and using his five Military grade night vision binoculars he had invited many people to come to his areas and view the objects in earth space shooting it out. Using his night vision glasses, even skeptics who thought he was 'seeing things' have now been convinced that what Ed Grimsley was been trying to tell people about all these years, is very real.

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