Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Peru Gave the World Wonderful Food

This item is actually a bit short on what is promised but still Useful.  The Andes are perfect for developing plant species simply because you can vary your micro climates merely by walking up or down hill.  Add in the Amazon as an incubator for thousands of plantsand you are good to go.

Where i grew up we had less that one hundred plants to pick from.

Again we already know that agriculture was properly introduced at several stations worldwide around 9000 years ago.  Noah's colony is the only one that has left us an actual report, but makes no mention of plant breeding at which is disappointing.

All made use of polyploidy to increase the chromosome count of a few key plants and this may also have extended to some animals as well.  Thus we have all our domesticated grains. That such an advanced method was available globally then should make acceptance of an advanced society early on as unquestionable.  

The small population of large headed non humans along with the remains of our expected Bronze Age Europeans ( Atlanteans )  conforms to the remnants of our knowledge of these centers world wide.

Peru Gave the World Wonderful Food

Ancient Andean Peruvian farmers domesticated and developed more than half the food the world eats today. More kinds of food and medicinal plants were systematically cultivated in Peru than any other area of the world. Among them are potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peanuts, squash, peppers, papaya, cashews, pineapples, chocolate, avocadoes, mulberries, and strawberries. Often plants had to grown on terraces built by the Peruvians. So many and varied plants were so long domesticated in the Old World it is hard to realize they actually originated in Peru. The potato was first domesticated in the region of modern-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia between 8000 and 5000 BC. It has since spread around the world and become a staple crop in many countries. Spanish invaders of Peru in 1513 brought them to Spain. My question is “Did these foods originate from other worlds?”

How were such titanic blocks of stone brought to the top of the mountain from the quarries many miles away? How were they cut and fitted, raised and put in place? No one knows how they built huge structures. There are archaeologists, scientists, who would have us believe that the dense, hard andesite rock was cut, surfaced and faced by means of stone or bronze tools. Such an explanation is so utterly preposterous that it is not even worthy of serious consideration. No one ever has found anywhere any stone tool or implement that would cut or chip the andesite, and no bronze ever made will make any impression upon it.” Hyatt & Ruth Verrill —-America’s Ancient Civilizations.

Eric Von Daniken, in his series of books beginning with Chariots of the Gods theorized that the Andean stone-works were build by Alien/Gods who visited the earth long ago, bringing civilization to primitive man. The scientific community simply snickered.

Whatever one thinks of his theories, he brought to the public an awareness of the many ancient monuments on earth that seem to defy rational explanation.

The Andean culture may be the oldest in the world. Royal runners and couriers linked the four corners of the empire by running short relays at top speed, moving messages and sometimes delicacies such as fresh fish for the emperor’s table – as many as 250 miles a day. The main north south highway alone stretched 3500 miles. At Nazca just north of Lake Titicaca are clear markings that can be seen from space pointing to key ancient cities. The complexity and technology of these advanced civilization is not easy to explain. The Incas came much later and took advantage of the knowledge left by the ancients.

Lord Viracocha, the ‘creator of all things resembles a gray who came from space The Nasca lines in Peru can be seen from space and point to key ancient cities on the west coast of South America such as Tiahuanaco, where sophisticated cities with huge blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tons were moved and carved. Some showed carvings of apparent space vehicles that were found along the Andes Mountains that seem to represent supply vehicles coming from space.

Many of the ancient leaders in Peru and Bolivia have exceptionally large heads, appear to be Caucasian and wore long robes that infer colonization from another planet or at the least a different species than the natives of South America. The exceptionally elongated crania on the ancient leaders known as Dolichocephaloids, suggest a far different past than the Indians of the Andes. Not only did they look different, they had advanced knowledge of astronomy, plant genetics biology and development, and construction techniques.

Some anthropologists suggest the elongated skulls were the result of the Peruvian Indian practice of head-binding. However, two mummies of babies less than a year old (analyzed in England) … belonged to the Aymaraes tribe had elongated skulls. Additionally, an unborn seven month old fetus enclosed in the womb of a mummy of a pregnant woman had an elongated skull! The possibility exists that these are a different species or alien life forms that came to Earth.

It goes unreported that tens of thousands of perfectly preserved mummies that have been recovered from Peru, Mexico, Bolivia and Chile, etc., are the remains of ethnic much taller European Caucasians with blond, red, auburn, dark brown and black hair The hair itself is, on average, 30% thinner than that of present-day Indians and is often “wavy” (a unique European trait). In terms of physical anthropology, the mummified people have the longer face dolichocephalic cranial index, whereas the Indian populations are classified as, predominantly Mongoloid. Some of extended skulls suggest visitors from space or at least a very unusual species.

The National Museum of the Archaeology in Lima, Peru has displays of ancient skulls that show evidence of brain surgery on beings with exceptionally large craniums. The museum claims the skulls are deformities, but these alleged deformities exist in an exclusive group of beings who were the leaders, pharaohs, kings, priests, and rulers all over the ancient world.

The Andean people claim these were the gods who came from outer space and became rulers and taught them advanced knowledge of medicine, biology, astronomy and advanced construction techniques. Archaeologists from Tiahuanaco have discovered an underground pyramid using ground-penetrating radar.

Professor Arthur Posnansky studied the area in the 1930‘s claims in his 50 year study “Tiahuanaco, is the cradle of American Man” that the site was occupied in 15,000 B.C. prior to Egypt and Samaria. He bases this on calculations of archeoastronomy and sculptures of prehistoric animals found at the site. The construction sites are littered with stones weighing hundreds of tons. Throughout the Andes are amazing towns that include pyramids, temples and fortifications. Around 8,000 BC much of Peru and Bolivia were at sea level and rose to height of over 12,500 feet.

Tiahuanaco (also called Tiwanaku) located near Lake Titicaca is a mystery because of its extreme age and its peculiar stone technology that may be older than Egyptian or Sumerian construction.

This stone technology plainly contradicts what official archaeology suggests about the general state of development of the ancient peoples of South-America. Conventional historians assign the age of buildings of Tiahuanaco at around 600 B.C., or even later believing that a pre-Inca civilization, without benefit of the wheel, modern tools or even a written language constructed these architectural marvels. The ancient city of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia contains a pyramid and strange architecture that was built with the clear understanding of astronomy and advanced construction techniques. Professor Arthur Posnansky studied the area in the 1930‘s before much of the early stones were carried off for building the Bolivian railway. Posnansky summed up his 50 year study in a four volume work entitled “Tiahuanaco, The cradle of American Man” first published in 1945. He explains his theories are based on his calculations of archeoastronomy claiming the site was occupied in 15,000 B.C. Paleontologists tell us that mankind was living in caves and hunting animals for food, while a sophisticated city according to Posnansky was being built by moving an cutting blocks weighting as much as 400 tons. Additionally, the extraordinary development of dozens of types of food suggests advanced genetics techniques or the plants were brought from other plants.

Miles-long geometric designs in the desert of Nazca, south of Lima, or a winged god in the north are evidence for Chamorro that past cultures not only mastered science and math, but had an inkling that space might hold more than the sun and moon.

The Nasca lines in Peru can be seen from space and point to key ancient cities on the west coast of South America such as Tiahuanaco, where sophisticated cities with huge blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tons were moved and carved. They showed carvings of apparent space vehicles that were found along the Andes Mountains that seem to represent supply vehicles coming from space.

Cahauchi Pyramid

Archeologists and anthropologists have studied the ancient Nazca culture and the complex to try to determine the purpose of the lines and figures. One theory is that the Nazca people created them to be seen by their gods in the sky. They can actually be seen from space and at least one Andes Mountain has been shaved off to allow for landings. Thousands of tons of earth and stone had to removed to create an apparent landing zone.

Ported that tens of thousands of perfectly preserved mummies that have been recovered from Peru, Mexico, Bolivia and Chile, etc., are the remains of ethnic European Caucasoids with blond, red, auburn, chestnut-brown, dark brown and black hair The hair itself is, on average, 30% thinner than that of present-day Indians and is often described as “wavy” (a unique European trait). In terms of physical anthropology, the mummified people have the longer face dolichocephalic cranial index, whereas the Indian populations are classified as, predominantly, Mongoloid physiology with the brachycephalic cranial index. The elaborately prepared mummies are of people of much taller stature than the average amongst the Indian populations and their blood groups are those of ethnic Europeans. . Some of extended skulls suggest visitors from space or at least a very unusual species.

The National Museum of the Archaeology, Anthropology, and History in Lima, Peru has displays of ancient skulls that show evidence of brain surgery on beings with exceptionally large craniums. The museum claims the skulls are deformities, but these alleged deformities exist in an exclusive group of beings who were the leaders, pharaohs, kings, priests, and rulers all over the ancient world. The Andean people claim these were the gods who came from outer space and taught them advanced knowledge of medicine, biology, astronomy and advanced construction techniques.

Many of the ancient leaders in Peru and Bolivia had exceptionally large heads, and were able to withstand low temperatures and high altitude in the Andes. Professor Arthur Posnansky studied the area in the 1930‘s before much of the early stones were carried off for building a railway claims in his 50 year study “Tiahuanaco, The cradle of American Man” that the site was occupied in 15,000 B.C. prior to Egypt or Samaria. He bases this on calculations of archeoastronomy and sculptures of prehistoric animals found at the site. The construction sites are littered with stones weighing hundreds of tons. Throughout the Andes are amazing towns that include pyramids, temples and fortifications.

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